I thought there was something up when I noticed that Adult Swim doesn’t start until midnight, while the Adult Swim website says Robot Chicken starts at 9. Now I’m watching The Daily Show (at midnight on Tuesday, March 29), and Jon Stewart says “Those of you watching this at 11 or 1 a…m. just heard me say bullbeep. But those of you who watching at 9 a.m. heard me say bull-bleep.” Wait, the interview’s on now. Bullshit is still being bleeped, but the title of the book “On Bullshit” is in clear text on both the cover and in the little news-ish subtitle.
So, questions:
- Did anyone watch The Daily Show at that time and hear “bullshit”?
- Does Adelphia have a policy of changing content in certain areas? Idaho is one of the most conservative states.