First of all, AMD is losing on both battlegrounds. On the cpu side they already lost to Intel, with only a handful of fanboys still buying their cpu. On the gpu side they are losing, and it looks like they will continue to lose. Their market share continued to decrease since 2014 while Nvidia continue to dominate.
As for consumers, we all want the best CPU and GPU at a good price. So the question would be, does the existence of AMD hinder the development of CPU and GPU?
There is an argument that Intel and Nvidia deliberately let AMD “live” so as to avoid anti-trust laws. Nobody wants to be prosecuted by US government, and certainly not by EU which hands out heavy anti-monpoply fines without much legal proceedings.
Now in order to let AMD live, Intel and Nvidia can’t release newer powerful stuffs too quick, too powerful. Maybe that’s why intel’s CPU these years have been lackbuster with only about 7% IPC increase each generation (still totally muders AMD cpu in case you don’t know yet). It makes sense though, if they did any better, AMD would totally go under water. Intel also capitilize on the situation by establising itself as the premium CPU provider while AMD has to go for the low price route.
On the GPU side Nvidia could have murdered AMD if they decided to lower the price of the 900 GPU series even further. AMD took a huge hit back in late 2014 when Nvidia released these new cards and AMD had to cut the prices of their cards by $100 - $200 jus to stay competitive. Could Nvidia further undercut AMD? Absolutely!!! But it chose not to. Why not? Must be the anti-trust law.
Apparently without AMD and these anti-trust regulatrions, both Intel and Nvidia would release more powerful products at a faster pace and a better price.
On the other hand, there is an argument that AMD actually helps the consumers by being a competitor, claiming that wihtout AMD, both intel and Nvidia would take advantage of the situation and set higher prices and have no incentive to release better products at fast pace.
Which argument is more true to you? Is AMD hindering the advancement, or is it helping it?