Is any discussion of illegal drugs now forbidden?

The only national policy is…there is none. The cops couldn’t care less if you knock yourself out on a drug (unless you are rich, in which case they may try to use that to get you to bribe them). As most of the population is super poor, the family bonds are quite strong. The family is the only one who may try to stop an addict, but even then treatment is usually too expensive. So, a lot of families have been financially ruined because of one member’s addiction, which is why I had thought of the absence of the free and relatively less harmfull alternative from the scene.

I apologize to you. I think I confused you with another poster.

But, since you’re here, and are savvy enough to know that this was your first warning, then you should know that your post was out of line with the rules of the board. Or am I assuming too much?

I hope you stretched before reaching for that conclusion, because I imagine it had to come from so far up the dank recesses of your ass that a less-than-limber fellow would pull a few muscles.

If it were “ineffective,” then your thread would still be open. It isn’t, so you are incorrect. Fine, don’t start a new thread. Big whoop.

That is some incredibly strained reasoning there.

Personally, i’ve never tried illegal drugs. Given that i’ve made it well into my thirties without using them, i certainly have no desire to start now.

But if i were to decide to try an illegal substance now, it would most likely be grass.

This is not a statement of intent; it is merely a speculative response to a hypothetical situation.

The “marijuana problem” over here is the fact that 700,000 people get arrested for it every year. The problems caused by the drug itself pale in comparison to the harm caused by the jackbooted thugs who lock people up for using this interesting herb.

Oh please!!! There are no accolades or glamorization of SI in that thread! What drugs are *you *smoking?

Geezus! Just because you think this particular problem is “disgusting,” doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be able to talk about it. Lots of people think homosexuality is disgusting - does that mean we shouldn’t talk about it? I mean, how does someone injuring themselves affect you anyway? It doesn’t! And where the hell do you get that people are being “entertained” by this?

Also, you could accuse anyone on this board seeking knowlegde of being too lazy to seek info on their own. That’s stupid.

Do you feel the same way about piercings, tattoos and cosmetic surgery, since that can be considered “self-mutilation” too?

The girl isn’t trying to kill herself. She’s not in mortal danger. If you don’t like what she is doing to herself, don’t fucking read the thread!

I don’t think the problem is disgusting. I think turning it into a circus is disgusting, and people who are, oh yes, entertained by it, are indulging a disgusting whim.

As for the rest of your post, again, we have an example of how this thread is encouraging people to think hey, it’s a totally okay thing to do, who are we to judge, it’s just like getting tattooed, and so on. On one hand people are claiming it’s not encouraging the practice, and on the other hand people, sometimes the same people, are insisting that there’s nothing wrong with it.

And I continue to wonder how the Reader’s legal department will feel.

Nobody said “it’s okay”. What people said is, “it’s very common, you’re not alone, and you’re not a total freak.”

But you believe what you want.

So you can respond to my points, then? I didn’t think so.

So I can’t type then? I didn’t think so. :stuck_out_tongue: I meant “can’t”, of course.

If you had a point that wasn’t a strawman I would.

I would discuss this and compare/contrast it to the American culture, but I’d probably get banned. Oh well.

:eek: Careful!

Look, it’s fine if you say his intent wasn’t obvious enough to you and you closed it just to be safe. But it his post advocated nothing illegal. His post neither encouraged nor abetted anything illegal. As such, it did not violate the rules of the board, it only violated the necessity of writing in a simple enough manner for overzealous mods to comprehend upon a casual skimming.

Brain Wreck. Perhaps we’re talking about two different threads.

SkipMagic closed the thread started by Badmash.

I closed a thread which was started by Kebert Xela.

Please don’t confuse me with a twee guy.

Do you even know what that word means?

My bad. That one was explicitly illegal.

Re: cannabis use in India, current use (past month use) among males is somewhat less than half that of the US (3% vs. 8.1%) in terms of percentages, but in terms of total male users, it’s higher (11 million approx. vs. 9.5 million).

As an offside, non-speakers of Hindi may pronounce your nick as Bad + Mash, whereas I think you meant Bud(h) + maash i.e. mischief-maker.

Maybe she could respond to them in the three page thread that’s running about the SI thread closure, and then the both of you can piss the fuck out of this thread with your hijacks.

Thanks for contributing to the hijack. It’s always nice to crash a party in company.