Is Anyone Else Watching "Last Restaurant Standing" on BBC America?

I’ve discovered a new reality show to like. It’s called Last Restaurant Standing and it’s been airing on BBC America in the US on Tuesday nights for the past couple of weeks. You can find a review here.

The premise of the show is that nine pairs of people have been given the chance by Raymond Blanc, a prominent British restauranteur, to set up their own restaurants. One person takes reservations, hires waitstaff, and generally runs the front of the house; the other person is the chef. They do get assistant chefs. The couples doing this range from a cook in the Royal Marines and his wife to a mother and son team. Not only are the teams expected to provide good food, they’re also expected to make a profit. Each week, Mr. Blanc sends people from his staff to check out the food and service at the restaurants. The three couples who’ve done the worst are given a challenge. Whoever does worst at the challenge is out. The winner gets a restaurant backed by Mr. Blanc.

So far, the gentleman and I’ve enjoyed it. Now, keep in mind, neither of us are all that good at cooking, and we’re both a bit anti-social. The people on the show may be pursuing their dreams, but it’s our nightmare. On the other hand, it’s interesting seeing what’s involved in doing all this and I’ve only seen one team which didn’t seem likable. There’s a jazz drummer and his actress wife who seem like very nice people but don’t have a clue about running a restaurant. As for the mother and son team, I’d bet that it was the son’s idea to show off his mother’s cooking.

Is anyone else watching this? If anyone is, do we want to do a weekly thread, or should we just keep reviving this one?

I know that no one has responded but I just started watching this on BBC America and am following it.

Are you still enjoying the program?

I was watching it, but I lost interest. It moved to slowly and I felt the three judges were a little arbitrary…and the woman judge seemed far, far too full of herself!

Ditto. The BBC just can’t do reality shows. It doesn’t understand they’re not documentaries.

Granted it is not filled with drama and excitement but I think it is really interesting the things that people have to go through and deal with when they first start a restaurant. Do you know of any other good shows that deal with this concept?

That is a pretty good way to put the thing that has been bothering me. It seems to take itself too literally, as though they think they are running through a scientific algorythm, and will arrive at the best restauarunt runners deductively. It just doesn’t seem self aware that it is just a competition of rounds of arbitrary contests(some barely related to restauranteuring), judged by a system that cannot be objective. It just kind of bugs me, and I want to slap them and their overwrought intensity.

Yeah, Rocco had one I think.

I’ve been watching it on BBC America and I am enjoying it so far. It’s not particularly exciting but I find it an interesting look into opening and trying to build a restuarant.