Is Biden more of a danger than Trump?

I never felt during Trump’s reign the utter fear I feel now with Biden.
I am convinced we are heading to WW3 with Biden
Would our existence be safer under Trump?

Why do you feel that way?

Bruh…come on.

‘Of course it would!’ - Your comrade friend Vlad

I thought you were British?

Not no but hell no.


Is there supposed to be a debate?

You weren’t paying attention.

What makes you think that?

No. Next question.

Drugs kill, folks.

2024 campaign slogan!

It’s possible I/we are misunderstanding the OP.

In that spirit, I offer these possibilities:

Do I have a greater concern of impending Wheel Width 3 under Biden ?

Y’know … maybe a little.

But do I feel more Wire Wound than I did with Trump.

No. Not in the slightest.

I think it was a typo. OP wants Biden to teach us all how to code.

Please elaborate, @Foxtrot_Tango.

Closed for now as no debate.
Doesn’t appear suitable for IMHO.

@Foxtrot_Tango please let us know if you would like it reopened in the pit.