Is Cecil smarter than Ben Stein?

Ok i know i could possibly be facing charges of heresy here but come on guys, just think about it…Ben Stein is pretty smart.

well, duh Cecil is simply the smartest man alive. Ben Stein is pretty smart though, for a mortal.

I’ll bet they are both smart enough to know this is the wrong forum for this…

Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions

Six months, two days, 22 hours, 54 minutes and 12 seconds.
7438 cigarettes not smoked, saving $929.77.
Extra time with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 4 days, 19 hours, 50 minutes.

Most other discussions of just how smart Cecil is seem to be in MPSIMS, if they don’t relate to a specific column. This one can go keep them company:)

Oh, and sorry, but I’ll place my bets on Asimov.

Well, before he died at any rate…

Yer pal,
Satan - Commissioner, The Teeming Minions

Six months, two days, 23 hours, 42 minutes and 6 seconds.
7439 cigarettes not smoked, saving $929.94.
Extra time with Drain Bead: 3 weeks, 4 days, 19 hours, 55 minutes.

I guess I’m out of the loop, but who’s Ben Stein? Does he have a column, too?


What the HELL is the matter with you?

You’ve been missing out on life.

Ben Stein

Although Cecil is clearly smarter (Hiya, Unca Cec! Feel free to welcome me. I have psychic orgasms, BTW), you have to admire Ben Stein’s breadth. C’mon, not many people can pull off the game show host/lawyer/speechwriter/actor/college professor/novelist gig. I actually read one of his novels once. It was absymal, but it was fun to “hear” it in his voice.

Maybe Ben and Cecil are one and the same. After all, who among us can say we’ve actually seen both of them together at the same party?

i think Cecil should go on WBSM. Hell, he can wear a mask if he wants. I just want to see them go head to head. I bet they would get mad ratings if they made a prime-time special out of it.

Ben Stein is very smart. However, there are people out there who have Won Ben Stein’s Money. Hell, while playing along with the lightening round, or whatever it’s called, I’ve occasionally beaten him myself. Whereas, no one could ever beat Uncle Cecil at any intellectual face-off ever. That’s the difference between ‘smart’ and ‘smartest.’

I am smarter than Ben Stein. Cecil is smarter than me. Therefore, by the chain rule, Cecil is smarter than Ben.

Cecil is smart enough not to give away his own money.
Most people are just begging him to welcome them to
the boards. So there!

Ben Stein answers question randomly, quickly, and individually. Cecil Adams has a research staff, answers question that suit him, and take weeks to months to answer them. This is a no brainer, Ben Stein hands down.

There is actually NO SUCH PERSON as Cecil Adams. He is merely the name assigned to a group of researchers who go about finding the answers to reader quiestions. The name is made up, and it represents a GROUP of people. No such person.

Ben Stein wins.

Ooooh. Heresy, heresy I say!! We shall purify their souls on the pyre!! ((said in my best John Cleese voice))

MadHatter writes:

ThhE weorsT pArrT ISis, thei phFFFriGGGing ggrUoup tiyping@+//

One at a time! Maybe you could draw numbers or something. Didn’t you mothers teach you how to share?

Group typing, or one-handed typing? You would think that the World’s smartest human would know where to find the good porn.