The dictionary defines “Toddling” as moving with short, unsteady steps. Is this typical behavior for a city this size (America’s 3rd largest), especially one with such big shoulders?
Well, the big shoulders do make us slightly top heavy, but I always assumed that “toddling town” referred to Chicago being much younger than other big cities.
It’s because of all the ice on the sidewalks during winter.
It’s all those toddlers, damn it! They’re everywhere. I blame the cold winters.
It’s because of all the goddamn tourists that move with the speed of dead turtles whilst craning their necks to observe the (admittedly amazing) architecture rather than looking straight ahead of them to observe whether they’re about to walk into a disgruntled Chicagoan contemplating bloody murder.
I thought it was because all of y’all drink to excess.
It was two years ago! I apologized! And bought you another cup of coffee! Sheesh! But next time I visit, I’m going to attach one of those red bicycle flags to my butt so natives can see me coming and get outta’ my way. I’m not done gawking.
I thought it was the vast quantities of pizza we consume. And hot dogs. And ribs. And steak. And…
Yes, but we don’t toddle. We stagger around cheerfully while unbeknownst to us our extremities freeze and fall off.
And Italian Beef Sandwiches.
11 days until I drive back to town, and I WILL stop for an Italian Beef BEFORE I see any family.
Yes. It is a toddlin’ town. And everything’s up to date in Kansas City, but keep an eye out for those crazy little women.
Oooh…where do you plan to stop? Do you have a favorite?
I always thought toddlin’ was an old-fashioned term for drinking a lot!
So what? Now in New York, if you can make it there, you’ll make it anywhere! So there!
No Chicago for me; the Emerald City owns my heart.
“…that’s where I’ll be at, I’ll
Meet you in Seattle
At the Fair!”
All the best hotties are at 12th Street and Vine.
But in Chicago they have the time of their life. Want proof? Well, Frank saw a man who danced with his wife.*
Whoopie! :rolleyes:
*(My nomination for the lamest song lyric of all time.)
That’s exactly what it is. The reference is to Chicago’s history of boozing and bootlegging. And damn it, we do it well.
No, ground zero of lameitude belongs to Neil Diamond:
“I am, I cried
To no one there.
And no one heard at all
Not even the chair.”
That’s what I thought of instantly when I read your post. I heard it on a “worst lyrics in rap” compilation CD. I wish I hadn’t. The worst part? He says SARS so it rhymes with “parse”. With an S sound, not a Z sound. Ugh.
I’ve heard some bad lyrics, but I have to give it to Hostile.