Is Cleft Lip Problem Hereditary ?

Is it true never marry in family which has Cleft lip and cleft palate family history

Is Cleft Lip Problem Hereditary ?

Girl Father & Mother never had Cleft Lip problem & only 1 out of 2 kids have Problem, as
a boy if I marry girl , there would be any risk, with our children. Can we perform New Gene Test that May Predict Cleft Lip or Palate

There is some genetic factor involved in a small percentage of cleft lip/palate. Most cases are a result of known non-genetic developmental factors. A single case in a family would more likely indicate a non-genetic cause.

Do you love her enough to marry her and take precautions if it turns out to be hereditary? Would you be willing to abstain from unprotected sex, or even get a vasectomy, then adopt?

FWIW, I know a father and daughter who both were born with cleft lip/palate. After childhood surgeries, they both look totally normal aside from a very small scar and have no other issues (speech impediments, etc.) The girl has a brother who did not have a cleft.

FWIW m,y wife used to work in a Special Care Baby Unit, where babies with cleft lips/palates would sometimes end up. On the wall was a permanent gallery of photographs of babies before and after surgery. I could well imagine how awful it was to those parents when they first saw the deformity, and the relief when they saw what can be done. Some babies needed several operations and the worst cases had other problems (deafness) as well, but cosmetically, most were repaired to the extent of being practically invisible.

Genetics is only part of the equation and the true causes are still not understood. I think smoking and using drugs/alcohol (prescribed or not) in the first trimester can have an influence.

It’s a cleft clip, not anencephaly. (warning, disturbing pictures)

Huge disclaimer:** I am not a doctor**. I am just a shmuck who tested the effect of a handful of cleft lip associated genetic variants on cells in dish.

Here’s the definitive review of genetic and environmental causes of cleft-lip/palate (CLP):

Dixon, M. J., Marazita, M. L., Beaty, T. H. and Murray, J. C. (2011). Cleft lip and palate: understanding genetic and environmental influences. Nat. Rev. Genet. 12, 167–178.

In summary, about 70% of CLP cases are “non-syndromic”. These cases have no family history, and no other obvious congenital abnormalities. Some environmental and genetic risk factors have been identified in non-syndromic CL/P. However we don’t really know enough to advise prospective parents, besides universal things like telling mothers not to drink or smoke.

The remaining 30% of CLP cases are “syndromic”. These cases have a family history indicating some sort of genetic pattern of inheritance, or a cluster of rare symptoms that have been previously identified in other patients or families. There are many possible causes for the “syndromic” CLP, including dozens of distinct syndromes where there are known genetic causes (see table 1 from the above reference.)

If I understand the OP correctly, they’re worried that the potential parent of their children might pass on genetic risk factors that give their children CLP. If this partner really does have a family history of CLP, the OP should talk to a genetic counselor. They’ll be able to asses the family and medical history, and say whether the OP’s children will have a risk of developing cleft lip or palate.

My nephew was born with a moderately severe cleft palate. He is 5 now and looks almost completely normal except for a hairline scar on his upper lip but that is after 7 surgeries thanks to Operation Smile with a few my still to go to correct the remaining deviations. He will end up just fine but my brother and his wife decided not to have anymore kids because they were told it is genetic in their case and they have a 1 in 3 chance of ending up in the same position with each new child. I don’t know where those numbers come from and I would take that risk because it is correctable if not very time-consuming and heartbreaking but they don’t want to go through it again. His cleft palate was detected during pregnancy and they had to decide whether to abort or not. It is a lot more serious condition than many people assume but it can mostly be fixed now thanks to organizations like Operation Smile.