Is "enselenate" a legit word? If so, what does it mean?

Phil Plait, sometimes denizen of these Boards, and always The Bad Astronomer, in his blog often uses the word ‘enselenate’, and seemingly always in place of the word ‘enlarge’ or ‘magnify’ as in “click to enselenate (this pic)”.

All that said, I can’t find enselenate in any dictionary although a Google search for it yields lots of hits . . . all to The Bad Astronomer!

So, I presume his use of the word is either some in-joke or a private campaign for a possibly useful neologism. Anyone know more?


They all seem to be pictures of the Moon. Selene was the Moon goddess. I think it is a word he made up to mean something like “moonify”, make the picture more Moonish.

Very clever and very astute(Phil and you!). Thanks.

njtt beat me to “moonify”, but also note that magnify and moonify sound kind of similar, adding another layer to the pun. When you magnify the moon, you moonify.

So if a guy drops his pants and shows you his butt, you’ve been enselenated?

Is my car enselenated if I put a Moon Eyes sticker on it?

He writes things like that all the time in his blog. “Click to galactinate”, “Click to ennebulaplateanate”, “Click to enplasmanate” are from recent entries. They all seem perfectly cromulent to me.

Indeed, it’s his way of helping to embiggen the language.

You mean: to embiggenate the language.

No, you’ve been maximally gluteated.

It’s perfectly cromulent.

Indeed, the neologism has been nicely encromulenated.

Sometimes I wish somebody would apply Professor Frink’s debiggulator to the language.

All of a sudden I’m hearing The Kingfish’s voice when I read the Bad Astronomer.

That was my first thought.

I stand corrected.

All I know is I can see Uranus clearly at night.

Maybe he was Uranating.

Maybe he meant ensaxonate.

Perhaps the problem is that you Googled it when you should have beBinged it?