Is Harry Reid a pederast? It seems the burden of proof is on him.

Fuck that, this is a golden shower opportunity!

(Ahem!) I denounce, renounce and condemn this behavior in the strongest possible terms, I roll about on the floor kicking and shrieking in horror and dismay! Let him be cast into the Outer Darkness, let Cthulu eat him first, may the Goddess wither his pecker like a worm on a hot griddle…

If only there were a rich 40 year tradition of Utah politicians proving they’re not pederasts … until this one refused to come clean. By the way, Romney’s a Mormon. He might as well be a Utah politician. We haven’t seen the proof that he’s not a pederast either.

Jesus Christ! Is there anything this guy isn’t hiding?

Maybe John McCain whispered in Reid’s ear.

Instead of asking Romney to prove he’s not a pederast, why not ask him to prove he doesn’t have three secret teen wives? Sister wives for Ann who may need help around the house. That would be more fun.

Well, after his sojourn in France, he is known to prefer lyonnaise potatoes. And you can’t hide your lyonnaise.

No indictment pending. Straight to jail.

I feel the opposite way. I’d be more concerned if he paid no taxes and was able to do it legally.

There’s something wrong with a tax law system that lets somebody with as much money as Mitt Romney has pay no taxes while people like me do pay those taxes. I don’t want people who are part of that system to be running the government and that obviously includes being President.

Kind of have a point hear McCain is one of the few people who has seen Romney’s tax info. He could confirm or deny if Romney paid zero taxes.

I find the ‘Harry Reid needs to put up or shut up’ kinda questionable. If Reid put forward the person leaking the information it’s not like the Romney campaign is going to say ‘well all right you got us’ The goal all along is to take heat off of Romney and make the story about anything other then Romney. If Reid offers up a name the story will be about that person with FOX throwing an endless pile of mud at them.

So it’s either Reid using Republican tactics against them and just making shit up or it’s Reid protecting someones career from becoming that of a sacrificial lamb.

In any case Romney should release his tax returns or at the very least answer the questions about them he has promised to provide answers for.

Sucks to be Romney maybe he should just stop lying, then he wouldn’t have to dance around this issue figuring out which of his lies he should cop up too.

Actually, I’m fairly sure charges have been levelled at Mitt for plebirasty too (how else can one top if not on the backs of the poor?).

For Reid, for Romney, or for elucidator for that pun?

What’s a… pederast, Walter?

A well-stated argument that will be lost to time in a snark thread.

You’d feel better if he broke the law rather than obeyed the law? That’s an… interesting perspective.

Romney isn’t responsible for the US tax code, so if there’s something wrong with the code, it ain’t his fault. And if you think he shouldn’t take advantage of deductions in the tax code, I hope you don’t either.

<cue “Incredible Hulk Sad Walking Away Piano Music”>

What would be truly awesome is if McCain got up on the Senate floor and said. “I know that Senator Reid is very concerned about the possibility of having us elect a person who didn’t pay taxes for ten years. Hell, even a year would be serious. So, I’d like to put that mind at ease. As someone who has actually seen Mr. Romney’s tax returns for the past ten years, I can personally assure Mr. Reid that Mr. Romney has, in fact, paid taxes every one of those years. And quite a lot each year. So, I hope that I free Mr. Reid of any worry in that regard and we can now all go back to doing what we can to get people back to work and the country on more solid economic footing.”

Oh, please, please, please make this happen. And have a camera locked on Reid the whole time. :smiley:

The point is that any revelation that Romney legally pays little or no taxes would demand follow-up.

He wants to be one of the people who IS responsible for the US tax code. If there’s something wrong with the tax code and he makes it clear that his priorities will be to make those thing even more wrong instead of try to make them better, it’s definitely his fault.

Fuck that (taking a Republican’s word for anything). Romney’s being a Republican makes him unsuitable for the office of the Presidency, so in reality the tax return issue is moot; but that doesn’t mean I can’t wish for him to have the media crawl up his asshole with a magnifying glass.

Metaphorically speaking.

It could easily have happened already, on or off the Senate floor. But it hasn’t, has it? Now, why do you suppose that is?

Keep on hoping for reality to be different. IOW, keep on entertaining us, clown.

But he wants us to trust him with that responsibility, right?

So, his attitude toward the tax code, and what he would want to do with it, is certainly directly relevant to our decision. It’s puzzling why you don’t see that.

So, you wouldn’t take McCains word if he said that? Oh never mind, this explains everything:


Carry on.

That is true.

To your point, it may very well have happened off the floor, in private. And if Reid was full of shit to start with, he might have simply responded to McCain, “Oh, I know.”, smiled his evil undertaker grin, and walked away.

But I commend you on actually making a valid point. It’s a stellar day for one of stupidest posters on the SDMB. Good job.