Is How I Met Your Mother funny?

How do you react when people mention “sandwiches”? :smiley:

I hate all commercials pretty much, but those are so over the top you can’t be too annoyed with them. And NPH is funny. Besides, to reject the show – not to mention NPH – on that basis alone is just … well … then you don’t deserve to have either of them in your life.

But, umm…


I think that’s part of his unreliable narrating - I think he just goes on and on telling these stories, and every so often he remembers who he’s talking to and edits a little bit. Or it’s just a skeevy consequence of the premise. :slight_smile:

Something to keep in mind is that we, as the audience, actually see/hear things that the kids being told the story don’t see/hear (like flashbacks to people other than Ted’s childhood at times when they aren’t telling Ted a story from their childhood…if that makes any sense.)

Which doesn’t make sense, because it is him telling the story to his kids, but that’s part of the charm. It’s not strict with the “this is 100% what the kids are hearing!” part of the narration.

Besides, him telling his kids inappropriate things led to a great joke from season…5:

Barney just had a “perfect game” in the world of dating (slept with a different girl each night,) and tells Ted that it’s such a big deal, he’ll be telling the story to his kids. Past-Ted then goes,
“Yeah, that’s what I’m going to do…tell my kids the story of the time my friend slept with seven women in one week…”

Then the scene pauses, and we hear the voice of Future-Ted go:
“Kids…am I a bad father?”

We’ve also seen characters in the 2010-era present head off to have a private conversation, which involves singing Ted’s praises for a good stretch before the narrator admits he of course couldn’t hear what they were saying but enjoys telling it that way. (Also, he’s repeatedly interrupted himself upon realizing that he’s just spent the bulk of the episode mixing up two stories that happened at different times – once adding that he only just now remembered that he’s also been mixing up two of the characters, at which point he briefly retells the story du jour such that each actor delivers the other one’s earlier lines, which now make sense.)

Wait - the pineapple was explained?

Alyson Hannigan. Colbie Smulders. It doesn’t matter if the show is funny!

But I think it is…

Nope. we also don’t know the details of what the goat did, IIRC.


Private Conversation!


Cobie Smulders. No L. Cobie is short for Jacoba.

Yes but not in the American series. They do show where it came from in the Russian remake.

And I hope it stays that way. Any explanation given wouldn’t be as funny as what’s in the viewers’ heads.

I thought the goat attacked Ted.

The goat beat Ted up. It was even a GIRL goat!

Major Bummer! [Salutes!]

Have they explained why Bob Saget’s the narrator?

Because Bob Saget is awesome.

Heh, tonight’s episode was about Marshall and Lily needing money for their contractor working on the apartment. Marshall sets up a site for Lily to sell her designer clothes, but she thinks she can sell her ugly painting. She goes out to the street to sell it, and when she comes back to the bar Marshall asked her how it went. She unfolds the piece of paper with the money, sticks it in Marshall’s face, and says, “Suck it!” with the funniest inflection. We laughed and laughed at that.

Love it.

My favorite is “The Bracket”, where they construct a NCAA bracket to try determine which woman Barney has wronged is trying to sabotage him.

“The Playbook” was a pretty good episode also.

My favorite sitcom is still “The Big Bang Theory”, but they aren’t in syndication yet.

“Remember: No eye contact during a devil’s three way.”

I’m not sure if there has been an official explanation but one suggestion from an earlier thread is that the narrator needed to have a voice that is distinctive (especially relative to Ted) so there is no chance of confusing present-day Ted just talking off camera with the future Ted narrator.