Is it a bad sign if you crave sugar?

Now when I say crave I don’t mean “I’m hungry for something sweet”, but sometimes it is an actual physical craving. Sometimes it feels similar to a cigarette craving. People think I’m strange because I eat a lot of sugar. I discovered honey recently and have been eating a lot of it (about a 12oz bottle a week), it tastes better and feels better than a candy bar. Is there somthing wrong with me or do I just have a sweet tooth.

It’s hard to say without more info, and doubly so since I Am Not A Doctor, but it could just be a preference. It could be hypoglycemia (too much insulin, too little sugar). It could be a compulsion.

See a doctor if it’s really trouble, otherwise enjoy.

“12oz bottle a week”

Sugar comes in a bottle? Thats news to me.

Well, its a vegatable.

There is the possibility something wrong with your insulin levels, if you feel a physical craving for sweets. I’d still get checked out by your doctor, just in case. Otherwise, it could just be a really big sweet tooth.

Sugar craving is not a symptom of hypoglycemia (just ask diabetics who accidentally take too much insulin, or people who have tumours that produce insulin in excess). Hunger, maybe. But not a hunger for sugar per se.

No, the symptoms of hypoglycemia are of two types.

  1. Those due to lack of sugar in the brain:
  • hunger, fatigue, blurred vision, confusion, seizures, slurred speech…
  1. Those due to the body’s release of adrenalin in response to the hypoglycemia (adrenalin signals the liver to make sugar):
  • tremor, anxiety, palpitations, sweating

FYI, honey comes in bottles. :wink:
[sub]There’s a dirty joke in there somewhere…[/sub]