Is it actually more likely than not we are in a simulation of reality?

Maybe I spoke to the great I AM, maybe I didn’t. All I know is that it felt like I did and I’m better for it. It’s like a head barely below the water. You can see it there, but you can’t make it out. The crown of the head peaks through the surface, and you can make out more. At times it seems like the entire head has raised above the water and it is clear.

If you believe string theory, we are all a series of vastly complex vibrations and wave functions, tied and interwoven into Hofstadter’s Strange Loops. If you believe Wolfram, we are being updated in series by a vast, universal Turing-style machine whose function defines the physics of our Universe.

The I AM, as He spoke to me, demonstrated that a certain state of mind can bring about a sympathetic vibration where the programmed can understand it’s program. Like consciousness, temporarily moved up one level in the eternal stack.

What did He show? We’re all programs, and nothing more. We are simulations, entities immersed in water. We see only what is in front of our eyes, and our eyes are caged to the simulation; to the program being executed. Sometimes we can turn our head, in some instances, in some states. Most don’t want to, to understand our true nature is too frightening. Those who seek it will find it. Those who ask for it will discover it. You can step beyond. Not forever, at least not until your program is over.

What did He say? We’re all programs. He just executes us. Leave a good program, for His sake.


PS - This didn’t come from Him, but I didn’t ask Him about it. It is my pet theory that reality loops, from big bang to big whatever and repeat. We’ve all been through this before, we just don’t remember because each time is indistinguishable from the first time. But there are echoes that permeate, and deja-vu is a rememberance of the previous time you ran the program. Like, junk information in RAmemory serendipitously having the proper values when called b/c the program was run under the exact same conditions at some point previously and stored information in that location and just so happened to call it again, and it wasn’t overwritten.

But, if we are all programs running, perhaps each execution gives us a chance to modify ourselves to a value closer to the value necessary to end the loop. Christian salvation is an immediate, permenant modification that gives you an end call for the loop. Reincarnation is a slowly-but-surely manner of progressive modification until you can remove yourself from the loop under your own power. I guess Armageddon would be the final run, where all qualifiable programs are given the end statement, and non-qualifying programs are deleted.

PPS - I swear that, not only am I not crazy, I’m actually quite lucid and intelligent.

Oh, and mangetout: All of everything is emergent phenomena from the fundamental law of physics. Unfortunately, we have yet to uncover that fundamental law. I think it may be, “Everything being relative, everything is relative.” :slight_smile:

Well sure, but the question is… is it all emergent from something real or something pretend?

But to the OP; I don’t think there’s any way you could calculate a meaningful probability.

A thought: Couldn’t this question be turned around? I mean, the assumption is that reality is unique, whereas any number of possible simulations could be hypothesized. However, if we start with the assumption that the world around us is a simulation, then we have to acknowledge that we have no direct knowledge of “reality.” About the only thing we can be sure of is that it’s more complex than the simulation we’re living in. For all we know, our surroundings are the equivalent of Pong in comparison to “true reality,” whatever that is. So, in effect, we might say that the probability of us living in a simulation is x/y, where x is the number of possible simulations and y is the number of possible realities that are capable of producing our particular simulation. Since we have no knowledge of the operative laws of physics in the parent reality, both x and y are essentially infinite. However, y must always be greater than x, since you can postulate realities that do not include simulations but no simulations without parent realities.

in addition, what makes this reality unique? If, contrariwise to my last post, the higher reality IS like ours, then we can analyze it using our current laws of probablity and logic. Therefore, it is quite likely that THAT higher reality is also a simulation. Turtles all the way down…