Math Idiot here. *::raises hand::: *
I’m trying to figure out which would be less expensive for me—drive my car to work, or ride the bus.
Driving to work is an estimated 7.34 miles (round trip)—we’ll even this off to 8 miles to account for circling the parking garage to find a parking space. My car gets approximately 26 miles per gallon, and gas is approximately $4.00 per gallon. (I’m not figuring in parking—which work pays for, or maintenance or insurance, as I’d pay them anyway because getting rid of the car is not an option, so the only thing to figure is gas.)
Riding the bus will cost an average of $3.30 per day, or $45 per month for an unlimited bus pass. Depending on how many days I could ride, I would have to ride approximately 14 days before it would make financial sense to purchase the bus pass. It would depend on my schedule at work (and if I needed the car) as to how many days I could ride the bus to work.
Before anyone jumps on the “walk or ride a bike” band wagon, my area is NOT walker or bike friendly. The medical bills that I’d incur being hit on a bike by another car would far outweigh any cost savings by riding a bike.
For some reason, I cannot wrap my mind around the way to figure out how much it costs me to drive to work and back! (Preliminary figures come to $1.23 round trip, but that seems like an awfully low figure…)
Can someone who has math abilities help me out here???