Obviously not every positive trait has a negative trade-off. There are plenty of people who are both physically and intellectually gifted, and plenty of people who are both physically and intellectually challenged.
The barriers to breeding a race of supermen are social, psychological and economic.
Of course, the first thing eugenicists want to try to do is eliminate genetic diseases by preventing sufferers from breeding. Hey, if everyone with Tay-Sachs didn’t have babies, we’d eliminate Tay-Sachs. Except the number of people who express a recessive trait is the square of the frequency of the trait. So if one person in 10,000 expresses the trait, then one person in 100 is a carrier for the trait. And if you just stop those who express the trait from breeding, you’ve only reduced the incidence of the frequency of the trait by 1%. It’s going to take hundreds of generations to eliminate the trait at that rate.
But mutations crop up all the time, and so the frequency of a trait is typically an equilibrium between the frequency of mutations that cause the trait and strength of selection against the trait.
But back to your question. You find a bunch of smart healthy people, breed them together, and create smart healthy children, and cull the dumb unhealthy ones. Keep doing that for generations and you’ll see results. Except, how are you going to keep doing that for generations? And how do you control the breeding of your stock? Lock them in cages? What do you do with the culls? Euthanize them?
For farm animals, the answers to these questions are easy. Culls are simply butchered. Animals are literally kept in cages while fertile. Animals can be bred for multiple generations over a single human lifetime, and since the goal of animal breeding is more profitable animals, your colleagues will continue your work after your death.
The other problem, your goal is to create a race of atomic supermen, yes? But the breeding stock in your program will have to be slaves, otherwise they’ll control their own breeding. So how do you keep a race of supermen as slaves? Won’t they, you know, turn on their masters? Haven’t we seen this movie before?