I’ve been on a Buffy embargo since season 7 ended.
My theory was that my obsession was out of control, and I have shitty memory, so if I left it alone for a few years I would be able to watch it with fresh eyes.
Cut to last weekend, when an amazing woman gave me seasons 4 and 5 as a present for watching her cats for a few months (I have 1-3).
And the obsession is reborn.
It’s like I’m watching it for the first time.
I was insanely excited when my roomate agreed to watch it with me before falling asleep all week. It was like introducing the unitiated to religion. I was actually proud when he said the show was funny.
And now I’m sucked back in. The poster from the musical downstairs suddenly has more meaning and I’m actively budgeting for seasons 6+7.
Are there other shows out there that get you this way? Am I crazy? And who else NEEDS a willow spin off?
(btw, I’m watching the thread even if I don’t post, I seem to only find time to post on weekends.)
My friend has the poster for the Buffy musical, framed. It is really pretty, painted by comic book artist Adam Hughes.
The same friend has turned my onto Buffy in recent months. I’m about 8 episodes into season 3 so far, watching for the first time and loving it. I thought season 1 was slow to get started, but season 2 had several shining moments (“Passion,” “Becoming”) and now I’m a tremendous fanboy. Even though I know several spoilers for what lies ahead, it’s all about the journey, not the destination. My favorite characters are Giles, Spike, Willow, and Oz. I heard a Giles spinoff was planned for a while, with Joss Whedon and Anthony Stewart Head reteaming to produce a show for the BBC. I’d be all about that, but I’m not sure if it’s still in the cards.
On another message board, I took shots of some of our Buffy memorabilia collection (including the two posters mentioned). You can see them here, but it does require registration (free!) to see in-thread photographs.
She is a good actress. But her choice of roles is not always brilliant. Maybe she needs a new manager. Dead Man on Campus? (despite the popularity) American Pie? Inane pop-comedy roles won’t make her the star she could be. Could you imagine Katharine Hepburn saying “This one time, at band camp”?
Along with Alyson Hannigan’s new show, Nicholas Brendon is going to be in a new sitcom this fall on Fox, Kitchen Confidential, based on Anthony Bourdain’s excellent book about the dark underbelly of the restaurant business. Early reports say it is a hilarious show, and I fully intend to watch it.
Also, David Boreanaz will be on a new show called Bones, which looks like the latest forensic detective drama.
I must have this. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.
I just think it proves my point that the show is so damn good since I can watch it again and again, and still be engrossed.
I have a sick obligation to at least try to watch everything a buffy allum is in. I’m not looking forward to “How I Met your Mother”, but I’m glad A. is working.
I am, however, excited about Kitchen Confidential.
As for the willow spin off, I would like to see it pick up a year after everything ended in Season 7. Ideally, she will be relocated to England, and have ended her rebound fling with Kennedy. I’d like to see her start of single, and I think any romantic drama should involve another slayer, but nothing like Kennedy. I envision a huge new big bad with willow as the commander of the slayer forces who are slowly having their preternatural strength sapped or something like that.
The best of Deep Space Nine is on par with Buffy and Angel but, for the most part, I agree. I’ve been a diehard Trekkie for the past decade but Whedon might very well supplant Roddenberry in my pantheon of pop-culture gods sometime soon.
And I am so very much in love with both Willow and Xander. I’ve never felt any real emotional attachment to a character before (only physical or sexual) but, god… my heart literally aches for them sometimes. I’m even kind of getting misty right now thinking about it.
Considering Kendra and then Faith, there were six seasons of multiple Slayers (seven if you count the last season of Angel) versus just one season of “there can be only one” (oh wait, that’s another series, isn’t it).
My new girlfriend had never seen Buffy (gasp!) and correctly surmised early in our relationship that this might be a deal breaker. She ordered season after season on Netflix and by the time she exclaimed that Spike was her hero, I was thoroughly smitten - with her, of course (insert twitterpated smilie here). There’s nothing like watching with someone who has never seen them before to make you appreciate them all over again!
Heh, I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with a post so completely, except that Whedon has long since eclipsed Roddenberry in my eyes. Behr and Moore were the true Gods of Trek, anyway.
I agree that Whedon has got Roddenberry beaten, much though it pains me to admit it. (TNG was an integral part of my growing-up-geek story. ) However, I think JMS of Babylon 5 fame has them both beaten hollow - granted, my judgement may be colored by having just sat through Buffy Season 5, which may be the worst-plotted in the whole series. So much unnecessary angst! Ah, well.