Is it rude to run on the street?

Assuming you run with loosely clenched fists, you open your hand (typically right) into the wave form and give between 0 to 2 waves to the other person.

It’s a way of saying “Hi, I see you, thanks for not running me over, but I’m also in the middle of working out so I can’t do a full wave.”

It’s also extremely common in the South on rural roads between drivers. They typically open one hand on the steering wheel but don’t actually wave at all, saying, “Howdy neighbor (cause everyone’s a neighbor in the rural sense), can’t wave fully because I’m driving.” I’ve been in cars with friends (yanks:)) who get really confused and keep asking if I know everyone I wave to on the back roads. The answer is no, but it’s the polite thing to do, which confuses my friends even more.

My friend and I run/walk on the street. Traffic is practically nonexistent though.

olives you’re sort of a charismatic young lady. Have you considered taking up the state of the sidewalks with your city leaders? It’s not just bad for runners but also baby strollers (people love babies) and even walkers (fat people trying to be fit).

As for running in the streets…the girls and boys track teams from the high school next door use our neighborhood for running, and we don’t even have sidewalks. Also we’re in to dog walking and general “kids in the street” nonsense so everyone is in the street. Since I’ve been seeing this for 30 years my thought is “Isn’t the street where you do your running?” Heh.

Do make sure you run towards traffic, tho. I want our eyes to meet so everyone is safe.

Look up or ask about your city/municipality rules and compare to what you are doing. I live in a big city where you’re to run on the sidewalk if available since there are several parks that only allow foot traffic.

If no rules specific to running then you’re stuck with sidewalks when available. Youd likely be surprised as to who really has the right-of-way.

Another New Jersey runner here.

Go ahead and run in the street where it’s safe. Face traffic. Minimize the time when you are an obstacle to traffic.

Many folks just don’t want to share the road, but I rarely get honked at.

Go for it!

My dad does it with just a finger, so he doesn’t lose grip on the steering wheel. Sometimes he’ll wave at everyone who passes him, even on a fairly busy highways. I find it hilarious seeing that little finger pop up like it has mind of its own.

This I know, having had it drilled into my head as a child. :slight_smile: