Is it time to start planning for 4 more years of Trump?

Maybe this one, from Pittsburgh?

Speaking about the speech at the convention, Biden had no issues. Even Laura Ingaham was surprised, but that is because Trump and buddies had made a caricature of Biden that has little to do with reality.

For months, President Donald Trump and his campaign have been systematically lowering expectations for Joe Biden by painting him as a senile old man who can’t string two sentence together. So when he performed far better than anticipated at the Democratic National Convention Thursday night, even the ultra-conservative hosts on Fox News seemed surprised.

Donald Trump Jr., however, seemed to be riding high during an appearance on Fox following the closing night of the DNC. He was swiftly brought back down to earth by Laura Ingraham. “He did beat expectations, Don,” she said as the broad smile disappeared from Trump Jr.’s face.

Yes! That’s the one… Maybe I just turned in at the wrong time, but I saw him as slightly struggling through it.

I watched three or four minutes of it, which is about my limit for a political speech, and he seemed OK. Came out hard against rioting and looting, for social justice, and went after Trump for making things worse.

I must have a missing gene or something – I really don’t care how politicians say things, so I almost never watch speeches. I find them to be emotionally manipulative and I don’t want to be manipulated.

I’ll note that the attitude in some posts and threads seems to imply that there’s no point to “preparing” for four more years of Trump, because if he wins, that’s it for America and its democracy. Maybe it’s being used for motivation and people are still planning to fight Trump even if he wins, but I don’t know these days.

I would say there’s no point to prepare because when preparing to face an enemy, you are likely assuming the enemy has some sort of plan. Does anything about the last four years indicate that Trump has anything resembling a plan? I mean, aside from keeping his creditors at bay (and those plans last a single day, at best).

Nobody at podium, except intermittently somebody who seems to be checking whether something’s working, till a bit past 15 minutes in; at which point Biden does come on.

Video a couple of minutes after that behaved briefly like a skipping needle on an old vinyl record: played the same line over and over.

What I did manage to see of it in a few minutes didn’t seem to me to have flubs in it. May try to watch more of it later, or may look for a better version.

And I think we should be planning for the election, myself. If that doesn’t work, then yes more work will be necessary – actually more work’s necessary even presuming Biden wins. But distracting ourselves right now with planning for more years of Trump seems to me likely to be counterproductive.

We’d actually be saying “The rural white men have spoken and the rest of us have to accept that their votes count for more than everyone else’s.”

Which, to be fair, probably was what the founders intended.

Yeah, sorry, I should have included a start time.

I’m watching the speech that the OP is talking about - God knows I’ve had my share of criticism for Biden and his speeches, but frankly this one seems fine.

You are falling for the common mistake of assuming Trump is the mastermind. He’s not.

There is a shadowy force that desperately wants the USA to become authoritarian. Trump is their chosen figurehead. And he’s loving playing his role. Whether it’s our intelligence community, the Kochs, rogue elements in the FBI & other Federal LE, Putin, or even Trump’s kids, is unknowable.

But don’t think for a minute that Trump’s chaotic tweets constitute the whole of the planning for what’s currently going on and for what’s next.

Which also means that even if Trump is not re-elected and steps down per normal in Jan, the authoritarians have learned a lot about how close they got and about what sold and what didn’t.

Just one more heave will get them over the hump. Rest assured we’ll have plenty of RW Sturm & Drang between 2020 & 2024 even if, especially if, the Ds control both parts of Congress.

We won’t have time to be Progressive; we’ll be fighting just to return the US to 2014.

Saving throws require a d20.

Ah. OK, roll a D20 and if you get 6 or less, Trump wins!

@discobot roll 1d20

ETA: Looks like Biden is going to win.

:game_die: 9

You sound very, very concerned.

Yeah I’m continuing to watch the speech in question. It is a good speech. All told, he sounds confident, authoritative, and he’s delivering all the right messages. This is really, really good by Biden’s usual standards - it would be a good speech by anyone’s standards. Believe me, I’ve SEEN bad Biden speeches, but this just isn’t one of them.

I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one that thought it was a fine speech. I was actually reading an article about it when I came over here to see how it was received, since it seemed to hit most of the points folks were hammering Biden for not saying clearly enough. I figured it would be a “whew, Biden finally said what he needed to say moment”.

Then I saw the OP and thought, “oh crap, maybe the text version cleaned up some crappy delivery from Joe”. But then I watched the video and, nope, it was just fine.

What am I missing here?

I prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and try my best to cope with what comes. So far that’s worked regardless.

The part of the speech I remember was him misreading something then he tried to patch it up by going off script. It didn’t seem authentic to me and there was little energy. I’m glad I’m the only one who saw the speech that way.

Regardless whether it was or wasn’t a good speech, I’m not the only person worried about Trump getting re-elected. Bill Maher and Michael Moore are, alongside others I know. I know Michael Moore was one of the few who predicted he would be president last time.

Can you give a minute mark in the video where that happens?

ETA: We’re all worried about Trump possibly getting re-elected (well, except the people in favor of it.) But I don’t see any evidence that this particular speech will cause it.