Or is it somewhere in the middle?
In all actuality, it seems to me that life is entirely simple. It just is. Unfortunately, add a human perspective and it becomes obviously complicated.
Perhaps spending too much time in GD is what has sparked my interest, where people question why there is anything at all. We all know though, no one has the answer and probably never will.
I’m not opposed to that type of answer, I think it will help greatly in answering this question. So if you have a deep philosophical idea about this please feel free to post it.
I am more interested though in personal opinion, and whether you consider your life more simple or more complicated.
The way I see it is, we are creatures of desire and we should do everything we can to fulfill it. Should be simple right? Often times it is not(like being attracted to your friends SO but knowing better than to act on it).
The toughest part I think is knowing what it is you want exactly. Perhaps, the answer is to simplify your values? Or are we hopelessly complicated? I don’t know, you tell me.