Is Lorax the absolute low point of thin premise movies?

Yea my son is watching the DVD, this thing is an absolute mess!

Theedville is dumb.

The premise is so thin they keep having unrelated tangential shit going on.

Stupid songs.

The anvilicious nature of the movie is stunning, since the childrens book never felt anvilicious!

I dunno. Battleship. Ouija Board?

There seems to be a glut.

I eagerly await Heads or Tails: A Quarter’s Destiny. A $200 million summer blockbuster extravaganza.

The movie is nice enough not to walk away during the showing, but the moral of the story is so forced and evident that it’s no surprise.

Dr. Seuss was always much better in short format (the old half-hour animated specials like the Grinch). I don’t think there’s been a modern feature-length Seuss movie that didn’t have to keep dragging in tangents to fill the time.

Country Bears?

The worst part I think is that Onceler is so disconnected from the villain, why didn’t they just scrap the book plot and rework the whole thing? Instead they kept it, but built around it.

I’m still waiting for Minesweeper: the Movie. As the tag line says: “Now that it’s a movie, you can procrastinate for a full 90 minutes…”

I’d not heard of Ouija Board. Do you think they’ll pronounce it Wee-Jee, like everyone I know does?

Sorry to hear the movie sucked; I love the book. From memory:

So HERE, it’s the last of the Truffula seeds,
For Truffula trees are what everyone needs.
Plant a new Truffula. Treat it with care.
Give it fresh water, and feed it clean air.
Grow a forest. Protect it from axes that hack.
Then the Lorax and all of his friends may come back.

Is there anywhere I can get the DVD for fifteen cents and a nail and the shell of a great-great-great-grandfather snail?

You would think someone in Hollywood would be smart enough to figure out how to make a movie featuring three or four Suess stories. It would probably be difficult to do though since you would be taking that many properties and making only one vehicle for them. Not enough money in that, I would imagine.

As good as Chuck Jones’ adaptation of ***How the Grinch Stole Christmas ***was, even Jones had to do some padding to stretch the story out to fill 30 minutes (more like 23 minutes, really, allowing for TV commercials)!

As Ron Howard proved, stretching a Dr. Seuss story to fill 90 minutes results in a painfully unwatchable movie.

Well, the part where the Grinch looks at his appointment book was pretty sweet. Other than that, it didn’t add anything to the original, and made it worse by stretching it out over 90 minutes.

Horton Hears a Who did a nice job, I thought, but in general you’re right.