I recently had to have hysterectomy, during which my cervix was removed. So now my va-jay-jay is essentially a dead-end flesh tunnel. My gynie always said that vaginas were like self-cleaning ovens and expelled most everything eventually. Whether that has to do with the connection to the uterus or not, I don’t know. So now I’m wondering whether I still have the self-cleaning function or not. I forgot to ask when I was in for my follow-up visit.
Well if you still have a uterus and your cycle is fairly regular you can use it as a rough timekeeping device. I can often be heard exclaiming, “Has it been 28 days already??!!”
I would think the vagina would be still self cleaning. If you haven’t got a cervix anymore you won’t have cervical mucus, but there are still the fluids secreted by the vaginal walls, along with the natural good bacteria/yeast balance that keep the bad bacteria and yeast overgrowth at bay.
You’re still good.
No douches are required- maintain the status quo.
See a dr if you have any issues with lubrication, sexual satisfaction, pain, discharge or itch.
Otherwise- wash regularly with plain water, keep wiping front to back, wear cotton underwear and your feminine anatomy will be happy and self regulating.
So, when they do that, do they stitch it up or something? What, exactly, does a post-hysterectomy vagina end in? (Are you finally free from that whole “ow you’re hitting my cervix” thing?)
Yep, they just sew it up and apparently attach some ligaments or something (in the abdominal cavity) to prevent bladder prolapse. Or I could be making that up but that was my understanding at the time. I had the new robotic kind and it pretty much was a breeze. I had hardly any pain or soreness afterwards. In an amusing side note, the stiches eventually come out looking like white worms. Gave me quite a turn, it did!
<long-time hysterectomy survivor…the vagina has muscles, which undulate. not unlike the bowel around the corner. you don’t need a uterus for your body to “sweep up, clean house, & push it out.” I’ve never had a douche and ALWAYS questioned, “Is it in the Bible that I’m supposed to squirt vinegar water up my vay-jay-jay?” the answer is No. in most cases-- if you don’t pick at it, it’ll do ok on it’s own