Is Nothing Sacred??

Icky breakfast truth:

Which as opposed to scrambled eggs which are at one point are chicken abortions mixed up in a cup

Mental note: Invent the deep-fried bacon-wrapped Cadbury Creme Egg.


I wanted to post that!:mad:

Would a Cadbury Creme Egg make you feel better?


Does this make you feel better?

<SLAPS Nawth Chucka with a Wet Trout>:D

It would if I got to keep the trout…and had some beer batter…and a FryDaddy.

<Stuffs two tuna with Cadbury Creme Eggs, wraps bacon around each of them, dredges the two fish in batter, deep-fries everything, offers one each to Nawth Chucka and Bosda di’Chi of Tricor>

Here. Does this make you feel better?


Yeah, I’m still wobbly a day later.

Why do you hate America?

They’re British. I hate the UK.