Is Rage Against the Machine a bunch of hypocrites?

I mean, they’re always whining about how bad America is, and its corporations, but without their major record label, would they even exist (to the extent they do)? Also, considering their standpoint on poverty and such (that people are poor because the rich hog everything), shouldn’t they be the world’s most famous philanthropists? And what’s up with their music videos? I’m sure the money they spend on one video could feed a village in Somalia for a month or more. Seems like the best statement the band could make to the greedy corporates would be to promise 80% of their earnings to charities.
Or do they have to be hypocritical to present their mega-liberal viewpoint to our impressionable children in an entertaining way?

Their political standing is Shit, I dont belive in 99% of what they say.
But, they freakin rock.

You know, my standpoint about RATM as far as their music is concerned is much like fnord’s: They rock.

But I have heard so much shit about them I don’t know what to believe. And I can’t find a reliable source of info on them to get the straightdope. I hope someone who knows can convince me of the truth in this thread.

I have heard that they donate much of their earnings to charitable causes.
I have heard that they don’t live in mansions, and that the agencies they employ to produce their videos are “grassroots” types of businesses.
I have heard that they are fond of doing benefit concerts for free with all proceeds going to some charitable cause.
I have heard that they started the “Tibetan Freedom Concert” or something like that.

I don’t know. I have all their CD’s, because I think their music sounds cool.
But as far as how and if they “put their money where their mouths are” I am clueless.

Is it all hype to sell records?
Are they well paid, talented activists?
Are they just hypocritical?

What’s the Straight Dope? I have been wanting to know for years.


I interviewed RATM several times, mostly back when they first came out.

Nutshell answer: They are sinsere and wish to make a difference, but will joke around about stuff and do have other sides that don’t come out in their music much because they want to make a difference.

They see (saw?) the hypocrisy of being on Sony, but took (take?) the attitude that sometimes you can only combat something from within it.

Yer pal,

Two months, four weeks, one day, 3 hours, 25 minutes and 38 seconds.
3605 cigarettes not smoked, saving $450.71.
Life saved: 1 week, 5 days, 12 hours, 25 minutes.

The “Tibetan Freedom Concert” was founded by the Beastie Boys, or specifically MCA, I believe. I’m sure RATM played there. They’re fun to listen to, but it is hard to take them seriously when you realize that they are on Sony, which to them, should be the Great Satan. Maybe it gets their message out to more people, but I have a feeling that alot of their listeners are the Gap-wearing deadeyed suburban teenagers who call Che Guevara “that guy on the t-shirt.” Some people just dont get it =)


OK, here’s the dope on Rage:

They DO actually stand for something.

Rage designates a “freedom fighter of the month” on their website, to whom they donate large sums of money to further their cause, as well as get good publicity for the freedom fighter.

All of their merchandise is garaunteed sweatshop-free. This is a big accomplishment, something most groups today wouldn’t cry over.

Rage is dedicated to helping the little guy fight against the big ones. They want to help defeat “the Man”. Some of their issues I don’t agree with, but for the most part, Rage has a good message.

Their music is anti-government, much like the hippie music of the 70’s. However, instead of preaching peace and love to accomplish their goals, they advocate violence against the system.

To wrap up, Rage Against The Machine is trying to use it’s fame and glory to help those less fortunate fight Big Brother.

I like them.

My information is pulled from their website,, and a recent interview in Spin.

Okay, I should first say I think their music sucks. Secondly, I think their message is basically right. But I just don’t trust anyone who looks up to the black panthers.

Yes, they are a bunch of hypocrites. Also, their music sucks, and their message sucks. I prefer capitalism to communism.

Yeah? What makes you think they’re communists? And for that matter, what’s so bad about communism?

"Yes, they are a bunch of hypocrites. Also, their music sucks, and their message sucks. I prefer capitalism to communism."

Then why do you live in the communist country of USA?

"Okay, I should first say I think their music sucks. Secondly, I think their message is basically right. But I just don’t trust anyone who looks up to the black panthers."
I agree the Black Panthers suck, their music doesn’t suck, so…Fuck you. And fuck your N’sync Backside boys bullshit.

Reality check here…

They are a BAND

Their goal? Sell records…make money.

Bunch o’ wanks if you ask me.

Whoa! The Black Panthers put out an album? Cool! By the way, when is that “Farrakhan Sings The Blues” albmum coming out?

And no, I don’t listen to N’suck or the Jackshit Toys.

Why does Communism suck? Look at China! For starters, I got paid more allowance/month as a kid than the average factory MANAGER makes per month! And I LIKE being able to complain about my government without being arrested. Besides, if you like it so much, why aren’t you living in a communist country?

The original concept of communism has never been sucessfully executed in any government because of:
*There needs to be an excess of supplies and services in the society for it to work.
*All communist governments have been corrupted in some way or form so that the spread isn’t equal among all citizens.
*None of the communist societies have been able to make the original concept work in the real world.

Communism in its purest form isn’t a bad idea [read * Looking Backwards * by Edward Bellamy for an example], but it hasn’t ever been executed in this manner because people tend to corrupt things with their greed, and there aren’t any countries with the elements needed to make a successful communist republic.

Well, except for America. Communism would work here if it weren’t full of greedy bastards. But I definitely prefer socialism to communism. Communism tends to be much more totalitarian. Whereas socialism can still coexist with capitalism.

Communism is a branch of socialism. Because of the “greedy bastards” in America, it wouldn’t work at all. It’s not an ideal gov’t for the world right now. Not with all the greed and corruption that is present here.

Getting back to RATM, I definately dig their music, it kicks ass. Also, I don’t know how much they back up their statements but I’ve heard about them doing quite a bit.
Some interesting stuff about them:
-They are against sweatshops, and Tome Morello (the guitar player) has been arrested several times (including last summer) for protesting in front of GAP stores.
-Zach de la Rocha (sp?) basically ran guns for the Zapistas in Mexico and (according to Morello) was still doing it right before they started touring with their newest album.
-They support Mumia Jabar’s (sp?) fight for freedom. Though I don’t know that much about Mumia, they have done quite a lot to help him in his quest.
-Tom Morello’s mom is the head or very involved in the anti-censorship group Parents for Rock & Roll (or something like that).
So even though we might not agree with everything they stand for, they do definitely seem to back it up.

First off, I’ll say I don’t mind RATM’s music, even though it’s a bit unsubtle and bombastic.

However, I read an interview with their guitarist where he talked about the problem the band had with supporting the ‘Tibetan Freedom’ movement when you consider who Tibet wants to be free from - Communist China. It’s nice to be reminded that communism isn’t all about social freedom, even in theory. They did go ahead and play it, and I’m not sure how they reconciled it (probably the same way as being on Sony).

I also don’t buy the old argument that communism is a good idea which just hasn’t been properly put into place. This is a bit too much like the argument you get sometimes from Christians who say that no Christian has ever done anything to deliberately harm another person, and anyone who has murdered somebody is not actually a Christian. Communism has had enough chances to get it even partly right, and you can be sure there’s more people trying to get out than in.


Musically, they still have some maturing to do. Most of the music is catchy and driving, but some how the composition cheapens the songs.

Lyrically, the guy repeats his shit to much. Repeating a line twice is fine, but before long, I found myself listening to my tape and thinking, “Awlright, enough already!”

Ethically and with regards to their content, I waver back and forth. Sometimes I’m like “Damn right!!!” other times I’m like “Holy fucking paranoid!!!”
Ultimately, I don’t really give a damn what they themselves believe in, but if they raise awareness in youth, and feed a rebellious spirit, then I’m all for it.
Sometimes they’re funny too. My favorite line; “We don’t need a key, we’ll break it!”

As for the big label, who gives a shit. I gave up the mohawk and spikes years ago, but I’m still an anarchist at heart.