Is sex overrated?

Reading a book during, for example?

This. I orgasm most times, but still it’s kind of Meh for me. I also don’t masturbate. Well, that’s not to technically true. I might pull out the vibrator once every couple of months or so.

Yes and no, depending on whether the other individual involved evokes a response of “wait, that was it?” or “please sir, may I have some more?”.

Male, 54.
When it’s good, it’s great!
When it’s bad, it’s still pretty good.

I always liked the saying:
“Sex is a lot like oxygen. It seems more and more important, depending on how long it’s been since you had any. But then you reach a point where it’s not important at all anymore.”

I agree couples that have nothing in common but sex are missing something vital.


I could do without if I had to. But I don’t, so I won’t. Good sex is underrated. And even bad sex is pretty good.

I think sex is rated according to how it is when we attain the entire experience and related pleasures that go with it. I spent 25 years as single and extremely promiscuous. At least 80% of the time when I was done I wanted the girl gone or at least to find someway to entertainherself, tv, whatever it took. The other 20% of the time usually involved a nice evening leading up to the sex, even if we just met some kind of bond or feeling of trust was present. Idealy she felt good about being with me and I felt good about being with her. This combination is hard to overate and makes very a very nice weekend. Now I am in a solid relationship and sometimes it is great and sometimes more routine but always better than not having it.

I enjoy every thing about sex, from foreplay through the after cuddling and I miss all aspects of it. I can give myself an orgasm, but it isn’t the same as being with a woman.

So for me, no, it isn’t over rated. 50 year old male.

Well, bad sex is overrated. Great sex is not. However, I’ve only had great sex a handful of times in my life with a couple different guys (neither of which were boyfriend material). In the end I just stopped looking, because I wasn’t succeeding at finding a guy with partner potential who was consistently good at sex. I’m pretty “meh” about the whole instutition. I don’t believe my standard for “good sex” is all that high, but an astounding number of my former boyfriends/activity partners got complacent quickly and fell below that bar (generally by failing to reciprocate my enthusiasm, and/or falling into a habit of the same position every time despite my efforts to the contrary–ho fuckin’ hum).

Nope. It’s pretty great. If anything I find a lot of people I know seem to value/desire it much less than I do. Female.

This for me as well. I just don’t have the urge to do it. And on the rare occasion I am feeling a bit randy, well…it’s usually not worth the trouble and I just carry on.

There have been times where I really liked/loved a person and the sex was ‘take it or leave it’. I’ve also been in a relationship where the guy was a jerk but the sex was great. Having great sex with someone you care about is totally under-rated. I’ve decided that at the age of 27, I’m not settling for anyone where the sex isn’t great and the relationship isn’t amazing.

And…some people are still doing it wrong, even if they’re doing it all the time. :wink:

Good for you! Too many people settle. Keep your standards high and eventually someone will come along and exceed them.

How the hell could “sex” be overrated or underrated? Is there some sort of sex rating panel that constantly publishes scores of how satisfying or great sex is? If so, how do I get on that panel?

I think I read a book about that.

Compared to what? It’s not really like anything else.

Well, it worked for me. The trick is you have to really care more about living your own life than finding a mate. It’s the great irony, the moment you let go of the need for a partner, your chances of finding one increase dramatically.

That’s your excuse? I’ve been on anti-depressants for over 30 years. I’m also on blood-pressure meds, resulting in loss of erections. But for me, sex is one of the greatest joys of life, definitely not overrated.

Male, 66. Yes, I’ve had to slow down to only once a day, sometimes twice.

Yup. Doctor says it can happen. :confused:

I’m not questioning that it happened, it happened with me too. But that shouldn’t be an excuse for considering sex overrated.

Hmm, good point. I still don’t know how much I would be into sex without the meds.