Is Shodan more retarded lately, or has he maintained a consistent level of retardation all along?

I’ve wanted to start a thread (perhaps in this very forum :smiley: ) to advocate
Often, Anecdote is the singular of data

I understand the proprieties of statistics, dangers of bias, and need for double-blind experimentation. Yet enlightened extrapolation from personal data is often useful, indeed may outperform published estimates. (An example arose in a thread where a former homeless child gave prostitution population estimates based on personal experience; Dopers laughed at her, instead citing obviously-flawed, but “published”, data.)

As an example of almost-deliberate stupidity, I’d give Shodan’s dismissal of anecdotes in his screeds against AA. I don’t think he insulted my mother intentionally, instead it’s just another example of his almost-deliberate stupidity.

You compared my mother to Laetrile. If it makes you feel better, I didn’t feel you were thinking to insult … just not thinking at all.