Is Texas a no-fault state?

In terms of work - a friend of mine was just let go (a pregnant friend, at that), and I’m doing some research for her. Is Texas a no-fault, where anyone can be let go for any reason?



In Texas, employment is ‘at-will’, so can be terminated at any time by either employer or employee for any legal reason.

The state refers to it as “employment at will”. Basically, anyone can be fired for any reason, or leave a job for any reason, provided that certain laws (discrimination) are not broken. Here is a link about wrongful discharge on the state website. Hope this helps.

At-will - that’s the phrase. Sorry, I’m stuck in medical billing and our ‘no-fault’ car insurance status.

Thanks for the site, thursday next. It’s been very helpful, actually.


Isn’t Texas a tort state when it comes to car insurance? I’m just asking in case you’re pregnant friend let go of the wheel at will and ran over her boss for any reason.

Delighted to be of help, Avabeth. I’ve been having a bit of fun reading that site myself. As far as car insurance Dante, you have to have liability, which sleazy lawyers (note I only said sleazy ones, not all lawyers) love and result in a myriad of dumb commercials. I’ve heard good things about no-fault insurance, but I don’t really know a lot about it. Best of luck to your friend Ava, and I hope your car keeps chugging along.