Is the Easter Bunny a Bunny?

And he ran over Gretchen.

This documentary should answer all your questions.

Perhaps I’m a bit biased (given my “name”) but I’m more partial to Easter ducks. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You’re David McCallum, aren’t you? ADMIT IT!


We had a black, Cadbury bunny plushie, from about 2006, that clucked like a chicken. Very small and bunnylike. We let our cats play with it, and dragged it out annually for my kid’s easter basket. I don’t know where it is now. But I found a video of a similar model:

Oh, and FWIW, today is my kid’s 17th birthday! And it snowed heavily last night, after weeks of sun, green grass and daffodils. What a surprise.

In case anyone missed it the first time around (May, 1987), here’s The Master’s take on the EB.

When he appeared in a Bugs Bunny short he was about the same size as Bugs, which would make him much bigger than your standard rabbit. IIRC, Bugs tired of his antics and blew him up (this being a cartoon, EB didn’t perish but was hopefully taught a lesson).

How “ducky” of you. :smiling_face:

As a kid, I pictured him as a real bunny, maybe just a little bigger.