Is the Mormon practice of "soaking" a real thing?

description of a sexual practice hidden because this is the op

“Soaking” is the act of a dude inserting his ding dong into a woman’s vagina without humping. Also known as “floating”.

This is crazy. If anything, wouldn’t this practice increase temptation? A complete mindfuck at the least. It would be like taking a bite of your favorite food and spitting it out or sticking your foot in a pool on a hot day and not jumping inside.

If you know any Mormons, have any of them ever admitted to soaking/floating?

Midwest Degenerate Gambler
-Latter Day Taints

Just because I was curious, I googled, and found this website from an actual LDS member. He sums it up in this one paragraph:

He also gives a little more definition:

So, yes, it’s probably real, though it’s (a) not a behavior that’s actually condoned by the church, and (b) probably talked about more than actually done.

I had heard of it and mentally put it in the same category as a Rainbow Party. It probably has happened in real life a few times, but the concept is mostly kept alive as a thing to be outraged against, rather than by the much smaller group of people who would actually do it.

Rarity and/or ridiculousness aside, what is the punishment for the male for failure, as opposed to punishment for the female for failure (besides becoming an unmarried pregnant woman, that is)? By the way, before anyone mocks me for misunderstanding The Mormon Church, I am sure we should treat this just as seriously as the fact that Beavers, Muskrats, and Capybaras are actually fish.

I have heard of it before but as a part of yoga or some such practice. By the way, “docking” as a sexual term has quite a bit different meaning.

What I do with my boat is none of your damned business.

Again with you out there fishing for capybaras.:slightly_smiling_face:

What messed with me is that I am familiar with a different definition of soaking involving religion and Christianity. But it’s more like a meditation/prayer while listening to Christian music.

So that’s what I assumed Mormon soaking was like at first.

Which could lead to a trial by a jury of your piers.

Well, you left out a crucial bit of information. You’re supposed to get a third party to assist by jumping up and down on the bed.

I knew this sounded familiar, but I couldn’t remember why. Luckily Wikipedia has a page on this practice with a “In Popular Culture” category.

In the reality show “Jury Duty” where one juror thinks they’re on jury duty and the rest are all paid actors, there’s a religious and shy guy who asks the main character for romantic advice concerning a female juror; when things work out he asks the main character to act as the third party.

Yeah; never heard of it in connection to the Mormons, but I have heard it attributed as a “Tantric” practice.

Based on both “Betteridge’s law of headlines” rule, and the “Anything you hear about another religion’s sex practices are usually nothing more that bigotry”, the answer is clearly “No”.

According to my extensive research on the topic, “soaking” is just the lying there without any movement (since any movement would turn it into actual sex). The adding a of third person to provide the movement (which doesn’t turn soaking into actual sex because the soakers aren’t actually doing it) is called “jump humping”.

I might suggest you try to be a little less susceptible to pier pressure.

[ETA: didn’t see @running_coach 's comment ;-)]

John Humphrey Noyes was a product of the same Second Great Awakening that inspired Joseph Smith to invest LDS. Noyes created Perfectionism; one aspect of which was Complex Marriage, communal polyamory.

Mature members would initiate virgins of the opposite sex (one of the rifts in the community was the age of consent). For the older women, this was an early version of “soaking” since the young men were trained in sexual continence: laying atop and inside his mentress without ejaculating. To prevent emotional bonding that would corrupt the overall group bond, these sessions would take place in sparsely furnished rooms on narrow beds. Here’s a photo:

One initate, drawn to the community by the prospect of free love, was Charles Guiteau (from my hometown of Freeport Illinois). But he was too much of a nudnick to gain consent from the woman, and departed in a state of disgruntlement that eventually resulted in his assassination of President Garfield. The commune itself dissolved bit by bit, until the only remaining vestige was the Onieda silverware manufacturing business, which shuttered itself in the 2000’s

I remember this story from the Knowing Better episode (I assume on the LDS but it could have been a side story on another episode)

I never heard of “Mormon Soaking” before. But this would have been considered too blatant and unacceptable by the LDS couples I knew.

Or even the Catholic and Methodist couples I knew. I traveled with a pretty strait-laced bunch.

Well, yeah, you’d obviously have to unlace something to make this work.

Soaking is also a practice of some Amish, but not widely engaged in.

[Madge, the manicurist]
“Vaginal lubricant? You’re soaking in it!”
[/Madge the manicurist]