Is the Realogic (dance music) the same as Space=Marouani and Romanelli?

I’m listening to Realogic doing “Old Movies,” on the CD CYBERTRACKS VIRTUAL AUDIO PRODUCT NETWORK CYBERTRONICS and it sounds like the old mid-70’s music of Didier Marouani and Romanelli on such greats as in their Space name, the immortal MAGIC FLY and two Space albums. I hear the same effects and other things. Are Marouani and Romanelli working undere various other names or is somabody just sampling or copying them? Also, why doesn’t this cd I have have any date on it, and why don’t so many cds have any dates on them???
It is copyrighted with a c in a circle followed by a P in a circle Novaera Edizioni Musicaly Italy and then the circled c and the circled P again followed by Cyhbertracks Publishing Ltd-UK.