Is the USA manufacturing chemical or biological weapons?

Is the USA manufacturing chemical or biological weapons? And if so, in what case would they use them? Would they rather use biological weapons than a nuclear strike?

It depends.

If i recall correctly, the US does have some chemical weapons in storage and we have stocks of Bubonic Plague etc at the CDC & also at Fort Detrick, MD.

But, is the US currently manufacturing chem/bio weapons this very minute?

No, but I’ve heard that the US could get a program up and running inside of 2 months.

I believe we call it ‘strategic maintenance in accordance with treaty’. Not manufacturing, but we’ve preserved the technology to manufacture, and reserved the right to maintain a certain level of stock.

Manufacturing new? No. But should push come to shove and deterrence fail, we’d have more common colds and influenza on the enemy faster than you can blink.

And that’s nothing to sneeze at.

It’s all about the treaties.

There’s probably not much chemical weapon production: U.S. Destroying Chemical Weapons.
OTOH, the FBI has yet to divulge who produced the weaponized Anthrax used in last years mailing. It’s clear that someone in the U.S. has recently been conducting research into new and improved methods of processing spores.