Is there a "14th inning stretch"?

I’ve seen a lot of 18 + inning games on TV, but never in person. Is there something like a 14th inning stretch to rev up the fans? Or are they expected to sit there and endure?

Bonus question: in extra inning games, do they reopen the beer sales? How about the regular vendors - it seems they often close early as it is.

Not officially, but both the games I’ve been to that ran 14+ played “Take Me Out To The Ballgame”. People get pretty punchy after 6 innings of beer-free baseball.

Homer (not drinking): I never realized how boring this game is.

Thanks. That answers both questions!

I would think at that point a revision of the “I don’t care if I ever come back” lyric might be called for.


You can dissect the meaning if you want, but the actual lyric is “I don’t care if I never get back”.

I’ve never been to a 14-inning game, but I know for a fact the St. Louis Cardinals cut beer sales off at the end of the 7th inning, and don’t resume them.

A lot of the vending is done by parents running fundraisers for various activities for their kids. The sales shut down because those parents need to go home to get to bed to see their kids off to school the next morning.