Is there a carnivore with hooves?

As far as pursuit goes, prey animals do quite well evading the predator’s claws, escaping far more often than not. That explains why so many hunters will scavenge as often as possible. Our own ancestors should be called Scavenger/gatherers, I figure. That’s exactly what we are. right?
You’re right on, though, about the claws bringing down prey once the predator catches up.

Nearly two thousand years ago, and he still hasn’t managed to swallow Judas yet. Remarkably, his other two known meals, Brutus and Cassius, were only a few decades before that one.

I’m told that Hitler goes well with Pizza.

Tossup between him and my ex.

Just avert your eyes from the inflammatory billboards for a moment, see that hill? Frodo lived there. Around this corner over …there! Gandalf sat upon the peerless Shadowfax during the battle of…

Good pizza though, *damned *good!

As for the Jackalopes!? So close to a woosh.

You’re way ahead of me. Every time I take my friends jackalope hunting, all we ever see are does.

I think it’s the “or crotch” in this sentence that makes it so hilarious to me. :smiley:

Niiiice. :wink:

Those things get pretty big, and they’re dangerous as hell. Here’s a shot of a particularly huge Jackaman.

Huge Jackaman in natural habitat


Are those does in any danger, as are the ewes on a midwestern sheep ranch?

Looks more like a wolverine to me.

I can’t believe no one has suggested Dick Cheney yet.

I remembered seeing these guys at the Los Angeles Zoo who supposedly can eat meat sometimes. No cite from the zoo, but here’s wikipedia:

It all depends on how they’re fed:

The Man Eating Cow

Niiiice. :wink:

YES! That was it. You get 500 points! Danke!

I’ve never heard of this before and quite frankly, I’m impressed. What kind of relish do they use, pickle? I’m personally partial to Vidalia relish. Do they make and can their own, or acquire it elsewhere?

Ha ha.
Have you ever heard of the verb form of “relish”?
You almost get a :rolleyes: , But I know you’re being a mr. smarty-pants.

MMMMM…Pizza, with Hobbit sausage! Them’s good eatin’!

My silly joke is stolen from the Cecil article “Are humans meat eaters or vegetarians by nature?” which is linked to here: