Is there A Doggie Heaven?

That just sounds incredibly unfair to the dog. Dogs have no choice in who their owners will be, why should god leave the dog’s only chance at eternal bliss up to random chance? You get stuck with a crap owner who doesn’t love you, and then get PUNISHED for it in the afterlife. Not cool.

Edit: I guess it’s just a canine version of the old paradox, really. What if I go to heaven and can’t be happy unless EVERYONE else is in heaven too? Only one such person has to exist, and everyone else is off the hook.

Sounds about par for the course for “Godly” behavior, for most of the posited values of God, however…

(I voted “No Heaven for anyone or anything” BTW)

“You think dogs will not be in heaven? I tell you, they will be there long before any of us”

~Robert Louis Stevenson

This. If God created animals and saw that they were good, then they’d have to be there. Personally, I don’t want to imagine Heaven without them.

You wont. I think that’s the point. If you need your dog with you to be happy, he’ll be there. If he’s not there, then you don’t need him to be happy.

Well, the Isaiah passage which talks about lions, lambs and calves, also says that the child will be able to put his hand in the cobra’s den without harm, so there ya go!

As far as what happens to good pets whose owners aren’t in Heaven to call them back to life- well, there will be plenty of people in Heaven who never had a chance to have pets in Earthly life. Maybe they’ll get them as pets.

I voted no heaven of any kind, but if any group of being on this planet deserve a heaven, it’s dogs.

And if he needs you?

I am not sure I am liking the direction this is heading. :frowning: So if I need my animals with me to be happy (and I do) then I will have them, but if they don’t need me to be happy they could maybe opt out?

Or worse if my evil EX needed me to be there to be happy (presuming of course he ends up in Heaven which is doubtful) then I would have to be there with him even though that would make me very unhappy?

shudder it’s all just too much to think about. I think I’ll stick with “All dogs go to heaven” and leave it at that. :slight_smile:

I don’t know if all animals have souls, or if there’s some sort of continuum of soul-ness, where only those above some point go to Heaven. I wouldn’t be too surprised if, say, there are no houseflies in Heaven. But dogs certainly have developed-enough souls to have an afterlife, and I don’t see that it makes much sense for there to be multiple heavens.

But dogs love to chase after houseflies :frowning:

Oh, but I do. In fact, if there IS a god and an afterlife, I’m positive I’m gonna need a lot of booze, because the mere existence of an afterlife is going to make me very, very unhappy.

Heaven will be a redeemed creation (of which our current world is a pale shadow). Dogs are part of creation. Therefore dogs will be in heaven. And, being redeemed, will no longer eat their own vomit.

Maybe there’s not “multiple” heavens, but simply some overlap between afterlives…I mean, if you were a wicked and sinful housefly in life (however you managed to accomplish that), being chased by dogs for eternity might be a pretty bad punishment.

If there’s a doggie heaven
Then you know they’ve got a helluva band

Or a huge self-refilling food bowl.

Of course, they go to heaven! Who else do the cats have to pick on?

I do not know. I hope so.

Life would not be half so bad if love ended when life did.

There’s a heaven for animals but not for people. Even the best person is too flawed to get in.