Do the mods keep score? Is there an alternate list of deputy sockhunters, so’s they can be called upon to serve the SDMB in times of domestic crisis? Are there rewards or bounties?
Munch - who’s quite curious today
Do the mods keep score? Is there an alternate list of deputy sockhunters, so’s they can be called upon to serve the SDMB in times of domestic crisis? Are there rewards or bounties?
Munch - who’s quite curious today
Whoa! Munch?
No, no and no.
Gotcha ya.
If you’re keeping score, then you’re losing. There are a few people (they know who they are) who are especially helpful to the mods, e-mailing them when sockpuppets or other problems arise. These people are held in high regard by the mods, but there isn’t any “scoreboard”.
Maybe the socks keep score.
They used to have their own forum after all.
Maybe it’s just hidden now, like the moderator board.
There’s no doubt about that. I was just wondering if it was public at all who those people were. I was aware that there were a few posters here that are REALLY good at this, and it’s a skill that I admire. It’s the same skill that allows people to appreciate various authors’ techniques, and musical subtleties, which I just don’t have an eye/ear for at all.
Theres a moderator board??? I wanna see! I wanna see! I wanna see! What do they talk about? Where’s it at? Can we get a little visit? Like a quick tour? Puh-LEEZE???
Ok, so I’ve had a [sub]little[/sub] bit of wine tonight - I’m easily excited sometimes! But seriously, there’s a moderator board?!?!???