Is there an identifiable "Anglo" culture?

Is there an identifiable culture that the Anglosphere, the former colonies of Great Britain, share? Of course, we all share a language, but do we share any cultural traits much deeper than that? Why I ask: I saw the world ranking for the “Ease of doing business index”. It seems to me no coincidence that out of the top ten countries on the list, six of them are former British colonies, or Britain itself. (Strangely, too, the other European countries in the top ten, Denmark and Norway, also left a large cultural mark on Britain through various invasions.) Is there something more to this? A shared vision of government, business, freedom, etc.? Or mere coincidence?

Is it possible that it’s easier to do business in English speaking countries because English is the lingua franca of our age? Beyond that, I think countries like the US, Canada, Australia share a continuity of English Common Law.

However, I’m dubious of that survey. Look at the UK. It’s ranked high on “Ease of Doing Business” but low on almost everything that makes up “doing business” except getting credit. And what’s with the ridiculous number for “getting electricity”?

Well, from 1853 to around WWII, much of the world was dominated by the British Empire. And from WWII onward the United States, former British colonies, was the dominant economic and military force. So it’s not surprising that there is a certain shared commonality between the US, UK and Commonwealth countries:

Similar laws as John Mace pointed out
Same language
We all look sort of similar (mostly white people)
Mostly Judeo-Christian / Presbi-lutheran quasi-secular religeous beliefs (ie we pay half-assed lip service to the same gods)
Shared inherent belief in democracy and freedom
Shared enemies ( Nazis, Communists, Islamic fundamentalists)
As far as I can tell, dominated by US/UK pop culture
Similar levels of education and economic growth

I think John pretty much nailed it in one, at least with language. Not so sure about the shared common law tradition; obviously, that makes it easier to do business in other common law states, but most countries have civil law systems or a mix of the two.

Lots of other stuff more or less goes back to language; rock and roll is done in English.

That ranking does not talk about language.

The common thread is influence of the British mercantile empire though. When countries began to build out their laws regarding business, many copied the laws of their former colonial powers. Other nations have simply adjusted the laws to make it easier to get started

Here you go.