Is there more to "Southpark" than just an animated cable TV series?

I started listening to talk radio way back when Rush Limbaugh started, and since then I have been listening to a wide variety of radio talk shows rangeing from politics, sports, conspiracies, paranormal, personal finance, you name it.

But around the time of 911, and into the 2000’s, there were alot of crazy callers who would say inapropriate, and illegal things because of stress brought on by 911.

Not everytime, but I heard a clear pattern that when a crazy caller got hung up on, shortly afterwards there would be some kind of reference to “Southpark” either by the host, a guest, or the next caller.

And they were not talking about the show itself i.e. characters or favorite episodes.

I thought to myself, “Why am I hearing so many references to “Southpark” on talk radio shows?”

This is only a theory, but just in case the dots do connect, I believe that the two guys who created “Southpark” have some sort of job in law enforcement where they police the airwaves of nationally syndicated radio talk shows by identifying crazy callers who may be some kind of threat to other people, places, and things.

I don’t know if this has anything to do with my theory, but there was a national news story that real terrorists had communicated some threat to Southparks creators over their depiction of Muhammad in one if their episodes.

Does anyone else know anything about any connection between the creators of “Southpark” and law enforcement?

I’m going to be merciful here and just shut this down right now, before the swarm of comments about how incoherent and nonsensical it is.