Is there something wrong with me? (Not a sickness question)

Homer: I would say go for being a computer consultant/repairman. Granted, you would have to be a little more patient than you seem to be here, but if what you said was true, then you should have no problems with it.

Puffington:"police officer (I wouldn’t have pulled you over, sir, but I’m afraid that, according to my color chart, you’re about two shades too black to be driving without suspicion in this neighborhood"I seriously hope that you haven’t had this happen to anyone that anyone knows of… racism is rampant but it isn’t something you can tell by job, looks, etc. Not all Cops are pigs, not all mailmen are crazy, not all Italians are greasy, not all Poles are stupid, etc. It was a joke, I know… just had to put my 2 cents in…
"= quote

Ignorance isn’t bliss. It’s just another way of shooting yourself in the foot.

I don’t any dealing with the public that you can be tactless, brash (is that a word?) and insensitive and last long except maybe the IRS and, as I now understand, the INS.
I work for myself and repair computers and if I want any business, I don’t say “you dumb f***, if you would shut it down right, this crap wouldn’t happen!”
Nope, I think government work is it for him.

I think you’re in the right line of work, but the wrong company. Try getting your resume in at a company that caters to businesses.

My husband sells high end computer systems to our big companies. He is as honest as the day is long and will REFUSE to sell a product to a customer that doesn’t need it. As a result, after just two years in sales, he did over 2million HIMSELF last fiscal year and is getting offers from all over the country for work. He loves his job, as it gives him the opportunity to provide a service to his clients, and it doesn’t put his integrity at risk. I think that’s what you’re looking for. You want people to get the most for thier money and you don’t want to have to lie.

Businesses normally understand the concept of upgrading, so my husband has had very few problems along those lines. His clients really respect his honesty and hard work.

If you decide to go that route, look for a company that does not have a quota. I think that is where sales people run into trouble (especially in retail).

Good luck!

Work a little bit harder on improving your
low self esteem, you stupid freak!
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

Zette, read Homers question in General Questions about mentally handicapped people
then come back and tell me if you think that is the work for him.

I was about to go off about how much of a suck job this is, but then I realized that it is the perfect job for any semi-intelligent sociopath. People skills can help, but if you don’t have them, it doesn’t matter. People think so little of us that we can call them blathering idiots to their faces and they just shrug it off. And the pay scale is so low compared to the rest of the industry that they rarely can afford to fire you. 6 months and you’re already overqualified for your job. And that low pay scale? Well, it’s low compared to the $150 an hour a professional consultant can make, but $11/hr starting pay ain’t bad compared to starting out anywhere else. With all the free training I get here, I’ll be that $150/hr consultant in a year.

So, if you don’t mind hating the world and all it’s pathetic inhabitants on a daily basis… it’s a good job.
The early bird gets the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.

Good, cause we’re not veterinarians.

Save The Endangered Jackalope! Send Cash Now! If You Do This, I Will Use The Cash To Save Any Jackalope That I Happen To Find! Send Cash Now! Before It’s Too Late! My Bills, I Mean The Jackalope’s Bills Are Due The 15th Of The Month!
This has been a message from the Illuminated Committee To Save The Jackalope. Fnord.