I’ve been in the tech field far to long and now I hate computers. I mean, I like MY computers but I have grown very tired of listening to users problems.
I think it’s time for me to move on.
Of course, I’m a geek and that’s what I’m good it. So what to do now?
I’ve been thinking perhaps I’ll return to school and learn the art of massage. That might be a nice change. Go from working on stupid metal boxes to working on humans.
Perhaps I’ll tend a bar. Watch people get drunk and do silly things.
Massage if you dont like to hear people whine bitch moan and get morose and or violent
Bartenders are very much like the complaint desk for god… and the drunker they get the worse it gets
Sif you want to hear about love lives marriages jobs and how crappy people lives are ect
Note ytou wont hear that all the time but My relative quit bartennding becuase he was tired of peoples life problems and being a psycharist marriage counselor ect …
How about a masseur who serves mixed drinks? Or a bartender who give massages? Either one would be extremely cool.
I’m always filled with joy when another techie sees the light and decides to jump ship in search of greener pastures, just as I have done. Computers are only fun until you have to service/troubleshoot/program them. Then they become our cruel, uncaring masters and we, the flesh-and-blood humans, become their grovelling, pathetic slaves.
More power to you! Good luck, whatever you decide to do! Hallelujah!
Ah, good point about the bartending/counselor thing.
I suppose that wouldn’t bother me. Right now I’m fed up with people and their computers because they take it out on me. I don’t know how many times I’ve almost said “Don’t get mad at me. I wasn’t the one that deleted the system files dumbass”
For some reason when computers don’t work it is the techs fault. Even if the tech has never seen the computer before.
As with bartending, I suppose the people might be upset but they aren’t upset with the bartender. Well,. unless you cut them off.
heh heh. Perhaps I just need to take some massage lessons and open my own bar
You know, I enjoy working on computers. Troubleshooting, fixing problems, etc. But only on my OWN computers these days -which is few and far between anymore.
It’s the customers. My god. How many times did I say “don’t delete this” or “no, regedit is something you should not let your 5 year old mess with”
If you have problems working with people (don’t say it’s just stupid people, as people are people are people), do you really want to be in any job where your main goal is making people feel happy? Working as a bartender would be especially tough: If you think the people who delete their registry to make room for Quake are morons, imagine them with a couple five beers in them, looking for a fight. Drunks come in all types (morose, happy, angry, regretful, horny, etc.), but the one common factor is lack of advanced thinking.
Being a masseur might be more of your cup of tea: Work your hands into the lard, make the muscles become relaxed, listen to muffled noises as your clients suddenly have circulation in places like their legs and toes. But I’m guessing you’re like me: Thrive on problem-solving, terminally helpful even to trolls, and quickly bored by situations where there is no problem to solve (and damnably frustrated by unsolvable problems). You had to go into the tech support field for some reason, after all, and I don’t think money was the only concern. Massage does not enable you to solve anything, and if you view it as a solely technical concern I don’t think you’ll keep customers.
Hell, maybe it was and I’m completely wrong. Maybe you’ll find your niche in massaging kinks out of backs, or selling booze to winos. Just think about your life and your psychology before you make any major life decisions.
-Derleth, who cannot completely fathom the nontechnical mind and who finds the MIPS instruction set more enticing than any amount of booze or massage.
I prefer to think of my jump from computers as more of a shore leave scenario. I left for a fun managerial job. It’s not a permanent move but rather just one to give me a break. So now I get to see the world on someone else’s dime while I regain my sanity.
I suppose you could be a masseuse for fellow techs - you could retrain then offer your services to companies or go freelance. Best of both worlds, and possibly a license to print money
Just promise me you won’t become one of those very large steroid enhanced guys who come in and say, “My name is Rocko and I’ll be your massoose.” And then you’re afraid to laugh, because he’s about to be manipulating your major back areas and you want him to do it nicely.