WARNING: Pointless, mundane, and feebly self-congratulatory.
So it’s a quarter to eight, and I’m steeling myself for the homeward commute (a Seattle rainstorm is not necessarily motorcycle weather, Roachman!) but I’m feeling good.
I’m feeling unusually good, in fact, 'cept for the sore elbows from patting myself on the back.
I work in technical sales (not support, a topic I could hold forth on forever) for a big maker of specialized electronics. One of our dealers came to me yesterday with a customer whose brand-new system wouldn’t work as advertised (a serial port configuration got corrupted when he cycled power).
So, yesterday we submitted the problem to the real technical support at the factory. This morning, “Sorry, we know about that, but it won’t be fixed until the next release in three months”.
Mind you, we just added this extra serial port to the product last release. The customer needs this machine to be at a trade show next week.
I’m just stinky proud of myself, because now after eleven hours of scratching my head and stealing technical notes from unsecured servers at the factory, I got a workaround that just takes 2600 bytes and only adds a third of a second to boot time. Yay me !
Which brings me to the reason that I posted this to a MPSIMS: Do you have “Yessssss!” moments at your job? Dilbert-esque “still pumped from using the mouse” moments of application-specific pride that nobody else in the office understands even if you explain it on the whiteboard using perfectly clear hex codes?
Or have they all been beaten out of you by “great, that’s nice, you’re competent so take the work of all the rest of the incompetents” like my last job ?