Hey guys,
I’ve been asked, with the help of the lead developer on my team, to come up with a basic web/software development process for us to use (modified sometimes based on the project). Does this seem like a good start?
Project Manager meets with Product Owner to review contact, confirm business needs, timeline, budget, etc.
Entire team reviews contract, comes up with questions for product owner/client, and relays them to the Project Manager.
Once questions are answered, the Project Manager states project assumptions (e.g. the contact forms must be very user friendly, given the older demographic, etc).
The client confirms these assumptions
The lead Developer and Creative Director respond to the confirmed assumptions (goals) with more detailed requirements (e.g. the contact forms will include a datepicker, fields for name, address, phone, etc).
The project manager adds to these requirements the milestones, timeline, etc.
The team and client confirm this final document
The team (Lead Developer, Creative Director, and PM) split work into independent pieces, associate timeline and budget to them based on milestones, and assigns a team member of either the creative or development team.