Is this proper english or am I nitpicking?

Looking at a token souvenier from the birth of my daughter, the hospital gave us a non-offical certificate that states her particulars. There is one line that doesn’t sound quite right.

" Teagan O’Hara Arndt was born in this hospital at 8:38 *o’clock, A.M. * on Saturday…"
Shouldn’t it be one or the other?

The “o’clock” is incorrect and should not be there.

(shows Professional Writer/Pedant badge as proof of authority)

Live a Lush Life
Da Chef

It’s wrong. You need to return your baby and get a new one.

It doesn’t sound right to me, but neither does all the “official” wording used in formal invites, etc.

Besides, if it’s from a hospital, it should be in military time :slight_smile:
Congrats again!
I love that name…

Love is like popsicles…you get too much you get too high.

Not enough and you’re gonna die…
Click here for some GOOD news for a change Zettecity

That sure doesn’t sound right. I’d call my journalism teacher but he’s kick my butt if I admitted I didn’t remember, my “Caps and Spelling” and “Style Guide” are at home. All I have to say, as unsupported as it may be, that sounds weird.

As I recall, it would be considered archaic,perhaps an almost extinct usage, but not necessarily wrong. All it means is that at 8:38 ‘of the clock’, meaning the clock read 8:38. Seems redundant, don’t it? Probably why almost no one uses that form.

All you need to start an asylum is an empty room and the right kind of people.

According to The Chicago Manual of Style (I know that should be italicized, but I’m UBB Code-impaired), "The abbreviations for periods of the day [i.e., A.M. and P.M.] should not be used with “morning,” “noon,” “afternoon,” “evening,” or “night,” nor should they be used with “o’clock.”

I thought I was right ( I love you guys and gals)

and NO, I am not returning the baby for a new one. I earned every stretch mark and dimple for her…

“Her only flair is in her nostrils.”

What do you know? That’s the second “Teagan” I’ve heard of! :slight_smile: Welsh?

Well, I was at the local playgorund yesterday, PLisa, and it seemed like every kid there was named Teagan.

Kidding! (ducking the loaded diaper hurled by Shirley) KIDDING!


o’clock, just means ‘according to the clock’

Like say, she was born at 840am according to the clock.

Not according to the dirt on the floor. Which would be, o’dirt.

I think she means it sounds redundant, like saying “8:30AM in the morning.”

“It was us versus them and it was clear who them was. Today we are not so sure who the they are, but we know they’re there.”
– Texas Gov. George W. Bush, presidential candidate.

Naw, it’s okay, but if it was written as ‘oclock’ instead, then maybe time for a new plaque.