Is this story [regarding meeting Jesus] real?

The details sound pretty convincing, like the nickel-sized wounds (consistent with what we know about the nails used in crucifixion!), but of course it is an extraordinary claim, even speaking as a Christian.

Does the prose of the story sound honest to you? I can’t really judge.

What do you mean? Are you asking if I believe the person who related the story is telling the truth about the events – not his opinions of what happened, but the events?

It could be, but I suspect even those are distorted somewhat by what he wants to believe happened.

Did he actually meet Jesus? Then no, I don’t believe that.

Wow, that’s spooky! I mean, how could the writer have possibly known that? Anybody who doesn’t believe him probably just wants to wallow in sin.

Uh… whether you call him Jesus or Yeshua, his name is pretty easy to pronounce…

Short hair, no beard, shirt and khakis — yep, the Son of Man is just a regular joe, just like you and me; no arrogant status claimed because of Daddy: just one of the guys like any other American, no better, no worse.

Sounds kosher.

Depends how they killed him.

So, Jesus is returned to earth, can heal the sick, feed the hungry–and he’s spending His miraculous energy waving to commuters and bumming rides?


Yes. That is a real story.

When some people can’t do anything of importance themselves they sometimes have to seek fame some other way, and this is one way to do it. The ultimate Celebrity Sighting that cannot be confirmed or denied by its very nature, with a ready made audience of gullible wannabelievers.

You make it sound like we never add chlorine, check the PH, or skim out the leaves that fall in with a net on a pole… :wink:

No, it’s not true. There’s no way that Jesus is getting a ride from an SUV driver; he’d only ride in a Prius or other fuel-efficient vehicle.

Wow, that’s so incredibly wrong, don’t they teach any theology these days? Everyone who’s read the Bible knows that Jesus drives a Honda but doesn’t brag about it.

“For I did not speak of my own Accord” - John 12:49

That’s amazing! Jesus, Son of God the all knowing, and he doesn’t know how to use a seat belt. Looks like God’s universe is even more mismanaged than Washington, DC.

We’re all fucked.

Or, failing that, He could hitch a ride with His eleven long-haired friends in a chartreuse microbus.

Sounds like something made up to explain why he was cruising for men in his car.

As to whether it’s factual, let’s just point out:

  1. Jesus is dead. Looooong dead.
  2. One would hope that a resurrected god would have better things to do.
  3. The morality of humans and the average living condition for our species didn’t start to improve until 1500 years after Jesus died. So, what a resurrected Jesus may or may not be doing isn’t actually all that interesting. Same for Confucius, Gautama Buddha, Zoroaster, and all the mystics who failed to get their names into the history books.

I thought He burned up the desert in His Triumph? Or was that Moses?

I love you both and want to worship you in my church.

(I took a lovely afternoon touring the Old California Mission of San Luis Rey, in Oceanside, CA. Charming place, just brimming with Catholic sanctity. You can even buy squeeze bottles of Holy Water in the gift shop. There were numerous depictions of Jesus, most with long hair, as is conventional in the iconography, but several had short hair. I believe, from what is known of the conventions and social norms of his era and his land, he would have had shortish hair, not the shoulder-length locks that have come to be typical in religious art today.)

(Anyway, there were a couple of vacant niches, and Saint Pantastic and Saint Askance would fit in there beautifully!

Even if we take the facts in the story at face value, we’ve only got a guy with some scars, nice teeth, fabulous hair, of possible eastern mediterranean complexion, and a name that’s hard to pronounce.
Oh, and he knew the writer’s name, but given the state of excitement he describes of himself during the encounter, I don’t think we can rule out the possibility that he did actually introduce himself, but forgot he did (after all, he says he did ask the passenger for his name - that sounds like an ‘introduction’ conversation)

Cool story, bro’.
Oh, c’mon. Somebody had to…

Pics (or shroud) or it didn’t happen.