Is this the worst newspaper article ever?

problem #1 it crashes Firefox

problem # 2 even I can do a better photoshop picture.

problem # 3 it’s entirely made out of whole cloth. I’m guessing it’s based on a sixty year old story, that is completely untrue.

I realise it’s in The Sun whuch is roughly the equivalent of World Weekly News, but even so …

Has anyone else seen a worse news story?

I’ll be the judge of problem #1!

Well, my Firefox 2.0 is fine.

Cameras? If you’re going to drop them from 25,000 feet, they should at least have lasers on their frickin’ heads!

Not the dogs that live in my neighborhood. . . they lay landmines!
Landmine-defuser (at my house). :mad:

Not by a long way.

Ladies and gentlemen I give you The Sunday Sport. A selection of front pages. Probably NSFW.

I love the group photo, where there are black circles covering the faces of all the SAS guys…* including the dog.*

You need children. Yeah, dogs will detect the mines, but children dig them up and put them in the compost heap. At least that’s the theory. Mine have allowed all the mines I find in the Laundry Room to accumulate in the Mint Garden. They are even lazier than I.

I didn’t write it, so I have no problem with this nomination.

I don’t know if this is the worst article ever, but it got the author into one hell of a uproar over at the Toronto Star. Her follow-up is here.

Heh. My favorite was “WORLD WAR 2 BOMBER FOUND ON MOON VANISHES”. Yeah, I bet it did.

The article mentioned here could have used some key fact-checking…

The school paper at my college is a joke. Beyond a joke. I’ve never read an article in it that wasn’t:

A) Pointless
B) Riddled with poor spelling and grammar
C) As coherent as a rambling, drunk homeless person, often veering off-topic for no particular reason

It’s embarassing.

I cannot stress enough how bad the grammar is. You can forget ever seeing its/it’s, they’re/there/their, your/you’re, or the suffix 've used properly. And those are only the most common errors.