Is this website offensive?

Well, I’m offended. I don’t smell like a wet dog when I get rained on.

[sub]Do I?[/sub]

Is the site offensive? Looks like somebody can’t read satire… :rolleyes:

I didn’t think it offensive, but I thought it was only mildly funny. What fascinated me was that a number of letter-writers - and I think they were all Black - assumed the creators of the page were Black. Never would have occurred to me, which is either a subtle bit of racism on my part, or just my dumb assumption that the people in the picture were the creators. I did enjoy the acidic comments from the “friends,” about wet dogs, etc.

Fifteen Iguana

I thought it was hilarious. I loved the "testimonials: "Johnny calls me “da man!” That puts me at ease. "

I had a (white) professor who was very much like this. He frequently talked about how he was such a non-racist that he was free to make race-related jokes. You know how sometimes ethnic-type jokes are funny if they are told by a member of the group that is being joked about? Well, this guy openly said that he was allowed to make black jokes even though he wasn’t black. And he made plenty of offensive jokes. Funny how all the black students hated him.