Islam would be crushed in a war against the west

Do you understand what the Final Solution was?? I don’t give a rats ass about Trump, and have no doubt it will be as bad or worse than GW Bush, but it’s off the scale to say that it’s likely ANY US President is going to start up death camps in the US for Muslims or be slaughtering them world wide on the 1.6 billion scale…and that’s what Bob’s blurb basically is saying. Doesn’t take any parsing.

So, really, do you agree with that? Trump likely to even TRY, let alone succeed in starting death camps and/or nuking large Muslim population centers, even assuming he actually manages to get elected? Or is it a load of hyperbolic horseshit on par with the OP?

What a load. But I already understood where you were coming from, Bob. You guys couldn’t just leave well enough alone and point and laugh at the OP, but had to compete, right? :stuck_out_tongue:

XT, have you ever been to a Trump rally, when he takes off the gloves and shows the naked face? Where he pumps up the anger and hatred in his supporters? Where he openly calls for evil to happen to those he and his ilk deem to be “enemies”?
Promise me that is as bad as he can get, and that he will not get any worse if power is put in his hands and he surrounds himself with yes-men and true believers.

You’ve been to Trump rallies?

Anyway, once he’s elected he doesn’t have to pump up any anger. He can push for lower taxes on hotels or whatever. No need for a genocide to do that.

Dude, you’re talking Trump. A guy who jokes about the possibility of killing reporters. A guy who praises Putin. Trump rallies are even uglier than Palin rallies. The hatred in the crowd is quite palpable. Ask the Native Americans if Americans are capable of genocide. The hatred is there. All that is needed is a match to ignite the masses.

Just because your post is a little over the top I will not dismiss it. One of the problems we have had in the U.K. and Europe is that governments have been less than honest about the situation concerning Islam and now some of their denials are now coming home to roost and we are starting to see some amazing governmental U-turns, back-flips which ever way you wish to call it. Distrust of governments is growing and we are rapidly approaching a point of major changes in the way that we are governed. Governments can only push the working class (the majority) so far and I think that we have reached that point. If governments wish to stay in control they are going to have to change. One of those changes will be a Governmental and public hardening of attitude towards Islam.
Islam is not the sole problem within Europe, the EU has been allowed far to much control and has tried to smoother national identities and adopt a one size fits all.
Rather than see global insurrection I think we will see a reformed common market between northern European countries, U.K. France, Belgium, Holland, Germany, and maybe some of the Scandinavian countries.
Globally I think that moderate Islam will start to do what they should have done years ago stop waving their Qur’an under our noses every time they are challenged and discuss problems on a practical level instead of scriptural and start to recognise that the law of the country in which they dwell is above Sharia law.
I do not believe that we are going to see civil war throughout Europe, I do see stronger links between ordinary people and that I think will strengthen control over Governments.

Gods no. :eek: Go to one of this guys rallies?? He makes me sick and I can’t stand the guy. I didn’t even like him when he had that ridiculous show on TV where he would say people were fired or whatever.

I have no doubt he is spewing hate and fear, and that he’d be a bad president. I’ll literally vote for anyone the Dems run if Trump is the Republican candidate (though my preference is Hillary). Hell, they could run Kucinich with Sanders as his VP and I’d vote that ticket over him. But regardless of how he pumps up his crowd of crazies, even if elected he wouldn’t be able to do whatever he likes. In addition, the vast majority of US voters (or citizens for that matter) are not going to just go along with death camps or wholesale slaughter of Muslims. It’s fucking offensive that anyone would even suggest such a thing, and to do so casually as if we are just sheep that would do whatever Trump says is, IMHO, as idiotic as the OP saying The West is going to go to war against Islam and wipe them out. It’s stupid hyperbolic bullshit either way and pretty much on par, since it stems from the same thing…fear, hatred and ignorance.

YMMV of course.

I’m sure you wouldn’t bet for it with real cash.

The mods might advise to parse the OP a bit better because there is no advocation of genocide to be found.

Not just Trump, I bet a majority of Americans would be pushing for “extreme measures” against Muslims if a terrorist attack killed 20,000 people.

I think there is an awful lot of rhetoric, nationally and locally, about how Muslims are so very different from the West that there is no chance at all that these people can ever assimilate into American society and safely live among us.

It’s definitely a small minority saying this, but it is a vocal minority, and it is a minority that is getting a lot of attention, too much of it positive. (For example, we had a county commissioner here in Kansas who used a county commission meeting to give a presentation explaining why people named Mohammed represented a “clear and present danger” to American freedom.)

There is a lot of support in certain quarters of the populace for laws restricting Muslims, or making them register, or requiring mosques to be supervised by the government, etc. No, those proposals don’t have widespread support, YET, but they are being talked about, and at least semi-seriously considered by people like Trump. If some of these are starting to sound like the Nuremberg Laws, there may be a reason for that.

The Final Solution didn’t start as a plan for genocide. It started with a lot of rhetoric explaining how Jews weren’t and couldn’t be real Germans, and the Jews were responsible for all the problems, and the Jews needed to be controlled and monitored and registered. Once you start down that path, once you start demonizing a group as Not Like Us, even the politicians may have trouble controlling what comes next. Once you try to rouse people’s basest instincts, you may not have the ability to stuff the genie back in the bottle.

If the current rhetoric continues and grows, and then something really really bad happens (another 9/11-style attack, e.g., or a dirty-bomb attack on a major American city), then the cries to Do Something may take on a life of their own, and the president and other politicians who called Muslims so dangerous may feel they have to make a grand gesture, such as a large-scale attack on a Muslim county. After that, all bets are off.

Do I think this nightmare scenario is likely? No.
Would I bet against it? Nothing I can’t afford to lose.

The OP proposes that Islam - a religion with nearly two billion followers - will be “defeated” within ten years and there will be so few Muslims left that the world will forget it ever existed.

Do you suppose he’s suggesting that they’ll all become secular humanists overnight?

Would you like to place a wager on that?

Well, there are those swanky hotels in Dubai just begging for a hostile takeover…

I don’t think he wants to commit to evil. I think he wants to flirt with evil, to be seen at parties with evil’s lithe form hanging off one arm, her glittering, cold smile directed at no one in particular. He wants middle America to think, “Man, that Trump is awesome! He gets to hang out with some really attractive evil,” while they fantasize about doing that evil.

But it’s all just fantasy. He doesn’t have the stomach to be up at three A.M. listening to evil’s screams as it births some monstrous war, while Dick Cheney urges “Push, push!” And he definitely doesn’t want evil demanding he provide financial support for that child.

It’s just image management, baby, did you think he was serious?

I do not of course speak for the Donald and I do not know exactly what his inner thoughts are on various subjects, but I can certainly explain what I believe that he meant by that phrase.

I believe that it was meant as a pure mocking of the current leadership, an administration that believes that global warming is the biggest threat facing mankind and an administration that operates using newspeak.

If radical Islam is such a minority that certain people claim, then the moderate side should have no problems defeating the radical side.

I would claim that it is radical Islam that is the strong side, and that the moderate side is weak and the minority, and that is why Islam is currently in big trouble.

It is. “Islam” isn’t an existential threat to the human race.

Unadults unbellyfeel newspeak, ungoodcall goodspeak doubleplusungood.

I do believe that a clash of cultures is currently taking place, and I do believe that the clash will only intensify in the future, as more representatives for Islam mass migrate around the world, especially to European countries.

Since Islamists are technically human, and even if Islam were to conquer the entire world, then you are correct that Islam isn’t a threat to the human race, because even if every non-Islamic person on earth were to disappear, then there would still be Islamists left on the planet who technically qualify as human.

However, I do believe that it is more correct to say that Islam is an existential threat to the civilized world.

Of course he hasn’t. He merely believes that “the rise of parties in Europe that are actually concerned about their country and the well being of their citizens” results in a war where “the entirety of Islam would be defeated in less than a decade…the religion would practically be forgotten in the future, as there would be so few practitioners of it left”

So we’re somehow going from 1.5billion practioners to not enough left to remember, in a decade…but absolutely no genocide involved, right?

You strengthen my belief that when Donald Trump is elected, then there will be quite a few people who were living in an alternate reality that will be a bit upset, to put it mildly.

I have survived 8 years of Obama, so I have nothing to fear, as few things could be worse.

I am not sure if certain people would be able to survive 8 years of Donald Trump, especially the ones who are living in a bubble and are so dismissive of the prospect of Trump winning, that it will be totally devastating to these people when it comes to pass.