It Ain't All It's Cracked Up To Be...

Preach it, brother!

And let’s not forget the problems with women: if you’re sat down, you’re likely on an eyeline with their breasts; if you’re both standing, you’re looking down at her which gives you a crick in the neck, and you’re only a degree or two off looking at her cleavage.

To the OP: being beautiful is one thing; being attractive is quite another.

Let me just hop in to say that it’s the same with me to. I’m definitely the most verbose out of my group of friends, mostly because i was a voracious reader while I was growing up and simply got exposed to a wide vocabulary. It pisses me off when I’m hanging out with them and I’ll drop a “big” word without even thinking about it and they all start riding me for acting smart. Jesus Christ people we’re all college graduates here, don’t make me feel like I need to dumb anything down.

It’s a Meyers-Briggs personality classification. You’re one of either in a pair–Extravert/Introvert, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, Judging/Perceiving. They mean that they are Intuition Thinking types.

I’m another NT. Apparently we’re a stubborn bunch.

I’m also an NT, but the “difficult lives” part hasn’t happened to me. I generally learned that separating myself from “difficult” people helps. Doesn’t make me any less stubborn, though.

I’m strikingly honest and well-meaning, but the downside is that I have a really difficult time with tactfulness. Even though you can be assured that I am not likely to lie to you, you may not like the fact that I tell it like it is. I’ve gotten better, though, and can keep my mouth shut a good deal of the time instead of ruining someone’s day with a disastrously honest statement.

My vocabulary’s pretty impressive in real life. I do a lot of reading, so I use a lot–a lot–of big words.

Sometimes it’s great, especially if you want to make up really creative swears. Sometimes, when you get the baffled stares, sneers, and eyerolls, not so much.

My husband and I both have large vocabularies, and we get to let completely loose with each other. It’s like taking your shoes off after a long day, man, to be able to use every single word in your vocabulary and be understood. There are always smaller, more common words to use, but nuance and fine distinctions can be lost that way.

Ditto. I used to be completely flat-cheated (I didn’t even own a bra until I was about 22) and I was perfectly happy. I know some small-busted women grouse about not having a bigger rack, but I was never one of them.

Sadly, in the last few years I’ve become decidedly Jessica Rabbitesque. It sucks because as you said, shirts don’t fit properly. I’ll see someone wearing something that I really like that looks super cute, but if I try it on I look slutty, etc. However, this is not something that “A” girls wanna hear you complain about, so there you go.