It Came From The Crypt (Sequential Threads 2019)

**Poll: Are you privileged or oppressed?

Poll: How do YOU wipe your bum?
Since I’m privileged, I have people who do that.

** Mass shootings at mosques in New Zealand
Human Nature is Inherently Stupid
Anti-vaxxers are ignorant scumbags that kill children**

Stupid times two

**USA: a nation of arachnophobes?

Anybody spend St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland?**
Wouldn’t that more likely appeal to ophidiophobes?

** Why do hotels have ice machines?

Ice machine are for the bedbugs?

** The Vernal Equinox crosses this MMP
Why did the Cow Cross the Road? To go to Chick-Fil-A**

There’s a cow jumping over the moon joke in there somewhere

Human Nature is Inherently Stupid
Stupid Republican idea of the day
The Trump Administration: A Clusterfuck in the Making

What do large animals do with their large brains?
how hard is it to rip someone’s head off

It’s pretty hard if they have a large brain.

What is the “Average American”?
Modest inheritance- what frivolous thing to spend it on?

Sounds about average!

Know anyone job hunting? or who wants a fun side gig?
A Military Funeral

My punk rock tribute band needs a gig, and we do a terrific version of the Marines Hymn. :slight_smile:

Is Huawei a security threat?
Is this the Asian Century that we’re living through?..

Funny business names
Snakes in the Basement

Ha ha ha! Is it a pet store? A foundation repair company? Who can tell, but it’s a Samuel L. Jackson reference and it’s motherf***ing hilarious.

** What would you do if you found out a close friend/family member was a pedophile?
Tell server of mistake?**

He didn’t really download those videos, it’s the server’s fault! :mad:

An edgy bistro featuring the cuisine of Madagascar?

In a related vein, I frequently drive by a vape shop called “Avail Vapor” and habitually misread the sign as “Anal Vapor”. :(:smack:

** 100 colds at once
My husband and I are at impasse (relationship-wise) **

What’s your worst trait that you are not going to change?
What would you do if you found out a close friend/family member was a pedophile?

Since they are not going to change, I’d tell them please don’t act on it.

Snakes in the Basement
Introducing Max

Max, these are the snakes in the basement.

**Let’s talk about time machines…
Name a song that mentions a specific year in its lyrics (please read OP) **

Let’s do the Time Warp again!

** What’s your worst trait that you are not going to change?
100 colds at once**

It bugs people that I’m always coughing, sneezing, dripping and spewing, but I love getting plenty of space on the bus and subway.

** The fine art of selling property
Poll: Have you ever been (or are you now) homeless?**

:smack: I guess I should have also been looking for a new place to live for once I sold the old one!

Where’s Bricker?
Tales of Uber…

It’s the 21st Century update of Charlie and The MTA.

Did he ever return?
No he never returned
And his fate is still unlearn’d
He may ride forever
'neath the streets of Boston
He’s the man who never returned.