It has always been this: Conservatives believe they have the right to kill everyone else

What conservatives are doing in this country, they’re doing out loud. There’s no secret to uncover.

They want to kill. They rejoice when they kill. They protect each other when they kill. They’re doing it all out in the open.

The only thing that might be somewhat unknown is how they justify it all to themselves in their own minds. That might vary from one or another, but amounts to a curiosity.

Conservatism has only ever respected one goal: to preserve the privilege of the status quo hierarchy. Whether every single conservative admits that to emself is only a detail.

And I have known many conservatives in my life. I grew up with them. I have decided to staop knowing them in my personal life. However they might choose to justify themselves, their decisions and actions speak louder than anything else.

And you’ve never met one who wasn’t evil and wanted to kill? That’s possible, of course but despite your experience they do exist. There are kind people on both sides.

Just agreeing with the OP with some excessive detailed opinions.

The police were serving a warrant and were fired upon, so they were legally, if not morally in the right.
We should end “no knock warrants” and breaking into people’s homes in the middle of the night.

Evil is relative.

If they maintain firearms, support things like concealed or open carry, or stand your grounds, they’re expressing a desire to kill, whether they admit to it or not.

I’ve been treated kindly by individual conservatives, but treating some individuals kindly doesn’t count for much when you’re supporting a movement whose overall direction is to make okay for some people to kill other people.

You can be nice to my face, but if you’re voting for Trump, etc., you’re taking actions that reveal that when it comes down to it, I don’t count and I’m not really your equal.

You should seek psychiatric help.

In general, any viewpoint based off of “The other side supports evil because they love evil” is inaccurate. Sure, there’s always 1% of the time when it’s an exception, but most of the time it’s a straw man.

It reminds me of some pro-lifers who think, “no, no, the pro-choicers LOVE killing babies, don’t you see??”

Of course they don’t consider themselves evil.

They just don’t consider it evil for conservative white men to shoot liberal protesters, or hit them with cars.

They simply have reasons why fundamental societal injustices should remain in place.

They simply have values that I consider evil.

Don’t be a jerk. No warning issued.

I was being sincere, if someone rambles about the kinds of stuff that scares him in his OP, that isn’t normal.

We once had a Doper here - maybe the now-banned ZPG Zealot or someone else - who argued that pregnant women in need of an abortion ought to be able to take out a gun and blow away anti-abortion activists blocking her path to the clinic and the appointment she needs.

My point isn’t to turn this into an abortion debate, but rather, that some people believe that they should be able to use force to stop others from obstructing them.

Ted Cruz has found a way around that.

They’re wrong. And they are potential murderers. They’re a danger to individuals and society. They deserve no respect.

I think you need to delineate what it is you’re arguing here.
No one needs to shoot anyone or hit them with a car, unless “insert valid reason here”

Protestors in traffic don’t need to get hit, but they run a very real risk of getting hit or killed by a car. Protest reason be damned.
Someone wants to assault me or my family, they run the very real risk of getting shot with a gun. Again, protest reason be damned.

But that quote, that quote is simply nonsense, not the mention the actual Title which is somehow even more hyperbolic.

And I was serious, if you don’t think it’s (like over the top) hyperbolic then I urge you to seek help.

And they’re helping create a would in which the majority of us are unsafe and second-class all for the benefit of a few.

It doesn’t take much awareness to realize how violence against “others” is a cornerstone of the conservative movement. Look at the Republican convention, it featured two people whose claim to fame is that the brandished weapons at unarmed black protesters. Trump has given them permission to give full voice to their racism and hatred and there is no unringing this bell.


If you are told by a moderator not to be a jerk, continuing in the same vein is not a well considered plan.

This is an official warning for failing to obey moderator instructions.

There are a great many conservatives who are kind in their small, interpersonal bubbles. They’re polite to strangers and generous to friends. Their bubbles also happen to be very small and comfortable and stable and (most importantly) homogenous. But American conservatism is a fundamentally unkind philosophy. It doesn’t much matter if they’re kind in their personal lives when their votes and support prop up a system that is actively hostile to the well-being of huge swaths of the population.

Attempts on the part of liberals to educate these kind conservatives have been met with the rise of narratives about “the PC police” and “liberal safe spaces” and “liberal tears” and so on and on.

As to the OP itself… yep. It never went away. American progressives mistook chasing the rats into the cellar with getting them out of the house altogether. The only thing the current administration did was to prop the basement door open and leave some cheese on the floor.

Exactly. The kindnesses of conservative culture are largely self-serving and convenient, like the hospitality and generosity of traditional Southern culture, or the ethics and morals of an English gentleman or the chivalry of a mediaeval knight. They largely serve to prop up a fundamentally violent and inequitable system.