It is finished!!

Today is my 20th birthday, and it’s also the 35th anniversary of the Montreal metro, and therefore it’s the inauguration day for my metro website.

I’ve been working on this website for a year now. A lot of you have heard about it. It’s finally up, and I’m really proud of it. Go take a look.

I got to go to the anniversary ceremony as a guest and was mentioned during the speeches, the transit company’s brass are really impressed with me, and well the whole thing is just amazing. I’m so stoked!

wanders off chattering merrily

Wow. That is impressive. Go you!

Congratulations and happy birthday!

Félicitations Matt_mcl pour ce site. :smiley:

Happy birthday and many congratulations - it looks fabulous. Lots of detail and your enthusiasm shines through.

That is a very nice site.

Happy Birthday! To you and the Metro.

::hugs and love for his favorite linguistics-major gay Canadian::

Because you’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and gosh darn it, people love you!

Happy Birthday, Matt love!

I went to the site, and it is beautiful! The only problem I had with it is that I don’t read French very well and I can’t seem to bring up the English version. Please help a lady out?

And BTW…I have to say, the more I know about you, the more impressed and amazed I am by your many and diverse accomplishments!

Much Love,


PS…may all your dreams come true, today and always!

What the hell kind of city is that you’re living in? The damn subways are supposed to smell like stale urine, not brake oil. Can’t you Canadians get anything right?

I see the English and French portals but where is the Esperanto portal.

Happy Birthday, Matt. Sounds like you are having very good one.

You did a very nice job on the Metro Site.


Thank you all for your kind words! hugs

Scottisher: in the front page you’ll see a link to Montreal by Metro. That’s the English version.

astro: Look at the bottom of the main menu. :slight_smile:

It looks fantastic. :slight_smile:
I still like the nun statue.
And happy birthday.

Thanks Matt, I promise to learn to read one of these days!


Scotti: another problem with accessing the English site has been clarified and fixed. Thanks for the heads-up!