It is fucking July. Take the goddam campaign stickers off your fucking car.

I leave my Kerry sticker on in defiance and to be able to say “I told you so.” Beside I like seeing the Chickenhawk '04 sticker because I can pull up to the side of those with it on their vehicle and give them a big “thanks a million” salute. No, I don’t flip them off which is what I should do.

So let them gloat over winning the election. That’s fine, we Democrats can gloat in the fact that we were right.

Well, the OP would certainly hate the sticker that is on our car. Retro styling from all the way back when Bush fils was only desiring to fuck up a single state.

“George W. Bush is a Punk Ass Chump”

I only wish like hell that a friend hadn’t wrecked the car it was affixed to. O’course, being the cautious sort that I am, I still have one that’s never been attached to anything.

Because one can never be too thin, rich or right.

But . . . but . . . Jeb and Hillary said they’re not interested in running for the presidency!

(Ten years ago, I drove a friend’s '80s-something barn-door VW bus for about 800 miles on a highway trip. Discovered it has twenty-four (count 'em, 24) heater controls! None of which helped it get more than 16 mpg* against 450 miles of headwind.)

*All figures translated into U.S. measures.

Gloating this long after an election isn’t terribly nice, no matter who is doing it.

I have enough Kerry stickers to keep them on my car in fresh condition until the next presidential election.

Then again, I’m considering removing the single sticker and replacing it with this one.

Nice childish response. That really got me back. I suppose that I shouldn’t gloat in the fact that Bush’s popularity is taking a nosedive.

Actually, his response seemed to be the mature one to me.

Wow, you win! Ah, I see, it’s The Highwayman riding in on his righteous steed to save us all with his wit and wisdom!

Jesus Christ. Even 'luci made a post referencing a SlamVan I was going to quote before this gem of yours to give him kudos. If that doesn’t strike a chord with you let me explain.

This here is duffer. I was going to quote and respond to elucidator in a manner of fellowship, agreement, and jocularity.

In a Pit thread.

A pit thread that involves politics.

In a, wrap your heads around this, thread that specifically mentions candidates in the '04 presidential election.

And it was going to be a post of fun and frivolity. Of times passed by. Of times that, though we are separated by an age, we can enjoy together in comeraderie. I can only speak for myself, but I have to think elucidator has at one time traveled in a VW bus to a Grateful Dead show. Much as I did during the In the Dark tour at Alpine Valley Ampitheater in East Troy, WI. My first tate of acid. A great weekend.

Much in the same spirit others are in, by now. But no. You can’t give us that simple pleasure. You have to wade your ass in and tell us how you are right and everyone else is wrong if we don’t think like you. Got it. I understand now.

Haven’t you learned to spew your neverending anger in your own threads?

And getting back to the OP, I almost started one a few months ago. My neighbor, I swear on my eyes (worthless as they are without contacs) has a Clinton/Obama sticker on his car. I almost had to drive into the thing out of principle. :smiley:

Did you have a switch that allowed you to travel back and forth through time?